Princess? Or maybe not? (Ftm little)

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Neutral cg (Bubba) x Ftm Little coming out to them

CW: Use of the petname princess at first but then the little tells his cg that he's actually a prince

Little POV
Today was the day I decided to tell Bubba about feeling more like a boy than I do anything else. Right now they're getting me a snack so I'll tell them when they get back. I can do this, right? Nothing to be worried about. Bubba will understand. "Hey princess here's your snack, I got you some fruit for now okay?" "Okay... thank you bubba." "You're welcome my little princess!" I kinda cringe at the petname and take a bite of fruit. I think they noticed my reaction to the name. "Bubba? Can I uhm... can I tell you somethin?" "Hm? Of course you can baby. What's up? Tell bubba what's on your mind." "You know how you say I'm your princess?" I ask looking down and pushing my fruit around in my bowl. Bubba frowns and looks a bit confused "yeah? What about it baby?" "Well... uhm... it's just I- I'm not your princess bubba" I say with a few tears and look up at them. They look kinda shocked and hurt but most of all confused. "Do you not- do you not wanna be my baby anymore? Is that where this is going...?" Bubba asks looking a little sad. "No no! That's not it bubba! I just... I wanna be your prince n not your princess but I'm scared you won't love me if I'm your prince n not your princess" I say bursting into tears. Bubba looks shocked for about two seconds before they're pulling me into their lap. "Shhhh baby. Hey hey. It's okay. I'm not mad. I still love you. I'll always love you. I'll love my little prince no matter what yeah? You can be bubba's little prince if that's what you feel like okay? Whatever makes you comfortable baby." They end with a kiss to my head and rock me a bit. I sniffle and rub my eyes to dry my tears, "really bubba? You mean it?" They smile down at me and wipe the rest of my tears. "Of course baby boy. You'll always be bubba's baby. No matter if you're a girl, a boy, neither, or both. As long as you're comfortable that's all that matters to me." I lay my head on their shoulder and thank them while they rub my back until my tears come to a stop and my breathing goes back to normal.

Bubba POV
"Hey Prince?" I ask grabbing my phone off the table beside us. "Yeah bubba?" "Well if you're bubba's prince that means you'll need a new paci that says prince instead so let's get one made yeah?" I hand him my phone so he can look at the Instagram artist with customs open. He looks up at me "are you sure bubba?" I nod and smile "of course prince. This was a big thing to tell me. I'm so proud of you for being honest with me. I want you to have a paci that matches who you are" I say confidently and kiss his forehead. He can tell me his preferred name later but for now I'll order my little prince some new things that match his identity to show him I accept his as my baby boy.

A/N: This was requested, hope I did it justice ! 🖤

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