A scraped knee

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Male reader x male caregiver

Daddy's POV
~Hmmm C/N hasn't been little in a while, maybe he'll slip today while we're on our walk~ "Come on C/N let's go for our walk now, I'll race you to the end of the street!" "You're so on! 1, 2, 3 GO!" I laugh running after C/N he's so cute laughing acting like he's going to beat me to end of the street. "Watch our C/N there's a rock!" I yell out he looks back at me laughing right before he trips on the rock that I told him to look out for. I run up to him as he's just staring at the ground. "Baby, hey look at me, are you okay?" Tears start to swell in his eyes as he looks at me. He didn't fall too hard but it probably scared him. "Daddy, it hurts" C/N whispers. "Oh baby did the fall make you slip?" All I get is a nod. I pick him up and see his knee is all scraped up. I take him back to the house letting him rest his head on my chest. "Baby, daddy needs to clean your knee okay? Here pick out a bandaid from the box while I clean it." "Otay daddy, gentle please" I smile at his innocence and gently clean his knee before putting the bandaid he chose over the scrape and give it a little kiss. "There you go baby all better" "Daddy, uppies please" "of course sweet boy" I pick him up being careful not to bump his knee on anything. I carry him into the living room, sitting on the couch with him in my lap. He immediately snuggles into me. "You're so cute baby" "Noooo daddy shshsh" I chuckles and kiss his head. "Daddy's cute little boy" he giggles at that and smiles shyly. "Wanna watch some cartoons bub?" I turn on C/N's favorite cartoons and set him on the couch so I can get up. "I'll be right back baby boy, daddy's going to get some snacks and drinks" he just nods a bit sadly not wanting me to go but quickly turns his attention back to the TV.  I come back a few minutes later with a few snacks and C/N's sippy with some juice. I hand him his sippy which he takes mindless, engrossed in his cartoons. I chuckle a bit. "You're welcome baby" "ohs thank you daddy" "good boy with his manners, maybe daddy should get you that stuffie you've been wanting hm? As a treat for being good and since my baby got hurt" a quick excited nod comes from the younger boy. "Please daddy" "of course baby we'll go order it in a little bit" "daddy?" "Yes my sweet baby boy?" I saw him squirm a little before he answered me. "Can sit in daddy's lap please?" I chuckle and pull him into my lap as he immediately snuggles into my chest. "Aww my tiny boy just wants to be close to daddy today huh?" A small nod and whine confirm what I've said. I kiss his head and feed him snacks until it's nap time. While he's down for a nap I order his new stuffies friend and smile before laying down with him. Even if my baby got hurt it's been a good day. I can't wait to baby him some more.

A/N: I've been really uninspired to write so if you have any requests I'd be happy to try writing them ! I can do ones just with specific petnames or ones with characters, or a certain topic/scene !

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