Daddy 2 busy?

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Male caregiver x neutral reader

"Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyy" you called out wanting attention. You were sitting in bed next to your caregiver who was on his phone.
"Yes angel?" He replied without looking up from his phone. He wasn't trying to ignore his little, his head was just in a different place.
"Uhms cans we cuddwe? I be quiet be wike not eben hewe I pwomise." You look towards your caregiver chewing on your bottom lip anxious. He seemed busy or distracted. You didn't want to make him mad or bother him at all; but you really wanted attention.
"Sure" was all daddy said in response before letting the little crawl into his arms and nuzzle into his chest. That was exactly what he needed; his little curled up in his arms. He smiled to himself and put his phone down feeling better now that his little baby was in his arms.
"Hey pumpkin do you want to watch a cartoon or do anything?" Daddy asked while playing with his little's hair.
"Tot daddy was busy so it otays" you said head still buried in his chest. You didn't realize he had put his phone away and had all his attention on you. When you didn't hear a response you looked up and realized your daddy wasn't holding his phone; he was playing with your hair and looking at you. You flushed slightly embarrassed that you accused your daddy of being too busy for you. He was clearly a bit hurt that you would even think he's ever to busy for you.
"Angel face, daddy is never too busy for you. Would you like to do anything or just cuddle with daddy?" Daddy looked at you waiting for your reply then he realized you were half asleep. You usually got very sleepy in your headspace so your caregiver wasn't surprised. You looked up at your daddy with half lidded eyes and yawned before nuzzling into him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blankets over your both.
'I suppose a nap couldn't hurt. I mean I also can't bring myself to wake my angel up.' Daddy thought to himself smiling a little before drifting to sleep with you in his arms.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like you can request anything you'd like to see.

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