Chapter Seventeen

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 Ash gathered his things as he was lost in his world of thoughts. He hasn't mentioned who Kyle is, and what relation does he have to this whole thing. We all stared at him, waiting for a response, waiting for some words to come out of his mouth, but we got nothing.

All the time that he was gathering his stuff was like his mouth was sewed shut, unable to speak. He dodged every question we shot his way and simply vanished out of my apartment. I didn't really stop him because I myself was stuck in my thoughts too. I was trying to squeeze my brain

Into remembering anyone with the name of Kyle, but sadly. I faced no luck.

Everytime I tried to think more, or remember more. I'm faced with more horrifying memories that I have left in the past, but I know for a fact that I know no-one by the name of Kyle, unless. "What if Kyle is a fake name?" I think out loud, "Like Jackson." I add.

Sara leapt to her feet, then sat back down. As if she made a major discovery then remembered it doesn't relate to our topic. "Maybe," Alissa said as she was studying Sara, "Can we talk for a bit?" She said as she nodded her head to the room.

I followed Alissa to the room where I found her sitting on my bed with her legs crossed. She was wearing my favorite socks, a marijuana plant with Rick & Morty falling off of it. Although I've never smoked in my life. You must love Rick & Morty.

"What is it, my love?" I ask as I sit down next to her. "Is something bothering you?"

Alissa turns to face me, "It's just Sara," She says, "Ash got me overthinking about her after he gave her that look."

"What look?"

"The look he gave her when she told him to tell her what he knows."

I looked at her, baffled, "How do you know you weren't even here." I scratch my head.

Alissa adjusts her seat, "I heard them from outside," She sighs, "I'm worried Ezie."

I get closer to her, "There is nothing to worry about," I say, "If it helps, he tried to ruin our relationship a couple of times," I add to comfort her. "He once told me that I will know stuff about you that will make me hate you,"

"What else?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and let it out, "He told me one day your true colors will show and I'll wish that I listened to him." I look down to avoid eye contact. "Well as long as you don't believe him," She said as she pulled my head to face her. "I love you, okay?"

"I love you too."


"Oh please tell me you guys didn't," said Sara, grossed out, "You know."

"No," We both said at the same time, "We didn't."

Sara goes back to reading my brother's journal. For the past hour she has been determined to find a link to whoever Kyle is, but has faced no luck till now. We tried ringing Ash a couple of times but nothing, It's like he left my apartment, and went ghost.

"You know I've never seen him this scared," Said Alissa as she looked through the cupboard of the kitchen for something to snack on. "Ash I mean."

"Why us though," I say, "Why would the letter choose between us?"

"I mean Kyle clearly wants something done," Alissa says as she opens the Snickers bar, "I'm just worried to see what it is."

Sara turns to Alissa, "I can tell," She says sarcastically, "What do you mean?" Alissa asks furiously.

"It's obvious," Sara says in her loud tone. The tone she usually uses when she's about to give a speech, "Whoever you guys choose, dies."

"Dies?" We both say, shocked. I mean I didn't know what we expected but I sure as hell didn't expect this to turn to a murder scene. Why would someone want us dead?

"Yes," Sara says casually, "This isn't about Jeremiah anymore, It's way bigger than all of us."

"How do you know?" Alissa investigated, "What makes you so certain that this is what it all means."

"Because of this," Sara says as she taps on my brother's notebook, October 1st, "Jeremiah mentions who Kyle is.", and after a long pause she finally adds, "And if he isn't lying we are all as good as dead."

I take the journal from her hands and begin reading:



He is coming for you. He is coming for all of us, and trust me brother. He will stop at nothing to kill us all, especially her.

Love, JR

I drop the journal to the ground. In shock of what I just read, it feels like my entire world is crumbling and I have no idea what to do to stop it. My chest tightens and I start to lose my breath. The words feel like they're stabbing my heart and turning it to tiny pieces. Who wants to hurt her, and why?

"Wait," Alissa says, "He never mentioned Kyle, or a name."

Sara reads the page again, "Wait, you're right," She says as she turns to me, "You acted like a pussy for no reason." She teased.

I mean she was right, I did just have a panic attack for absolutely no reason whatsoever, but that wasn't because of Kyle. "You guys forgot to look at the point," I said, "Someone is out to kill us, If not Kyle, it's someone else."

They both looked at each other, and there it was, the fear in their eyes was starting to form, the fear that I expected to see from the start, the fear of death.

"This is all getting too much," Sara says as she checks the time, "I'm going to go get something to eat, does anyone want to come?" She asks.

Alissa rushes to pick up her things, "Yes please," She says as she turns to me, "Are you coming?"

I have no reason to stay home, and if everything that happened today was true, maybe sometime out of the house to clear our heads is exactly what we all need right now.

I go to grab my coat, "Coming," 

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