Chapter Sixteen

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We made it into Redchurch and to our lovely surprise there he was. Sitting at our table with a coffee in one hand, and his phone in the other.

He had a black hoodie on, and a shirt as dark as his soul. His smile still irritates and removes all joy from my day. We don't necessarily own Redchurch and we can't kick him out, so sadly there is nothing we can do about it.

"Lovely to see an annoying face this early in the morning," I say, "What brings you here?"

Ash turned to face me, unbothered, "Well. I do love this place." He said as he sipped his coffee.

Before I had the chance to go back and forth with him. Sara dragged me away from the table, leaving Ash alone with Alissa.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I try to break free from her firm grip. "Look at his hoodie," She said as she stepped aside for me to see. It was a letter that looked exactly like the one Alissa and I got, and for some weird reason, I wasn't surprised that Ash had one too.

"He got one too." Sara added.

"Well," I said, itching my head. "What do you suppose we do?"

Sara walked away, totally ignoring my question, and based on the way she walked I could tell she wanted to confront him about it. Which I would've decided against but, oh well.

"What is this in your pocket?" Sara asks as she gets an extra chair to the table. I always wondered why Redchurch only provided two chairs per table when it is clearly one of the most famous coffee shops in town but this clearly isn't what I need to be thinking about right now.

Ash's face turns red, his voice starts cracking, "This?" He says as he picks out the letter. "It's from work." He adds, but anyone with a brain to think can tell that all he was feeding us was nothing but lies.

I came closer to interrupt and call him out, but Alissa was quicker, "Oh spare us your bullshit dude," She sighed, "Just tell us who gave you this stupid letter."

Ash gets up and gathers his things, "Sadly It's none of your fucking business," He looks at me, "Or yours."

I look at Alissa, and then over at Sara, "We all got one too," I say loud enough for him to hear me and stop, "We got one too." I repeat.

After his long freeze he turned to face us, and to my surprise he wasn't smiling, or smirking. He wasn't hinting that he won, or that he owns the place. All I saw was fear in his eyes, ugly dark fear, but it wasn't fear of death. It was the type of fear that you get moments before your biggest secrets get revealed.

"Let's go," He finally says, "We can't speak here."


We ended up at my apartment after a car-ride that felt like a century. My apartment wasn't any different, but it felt weird having Ash around, for the second time. "Show me your letters," He said urgently, "I'm not sharing anything with you till I know I can trust you."

I giggled, "Till you can trust us?" I ask, "What on earth makes you believe that we trust you?"

Ash got up and walked towards the door in anger. "Fine," I said, accepting my defeat, "We'll show you the fucking letters."

I got up and got my letter, and Alissa headed home to get hers. For some weird reason Ash thinks that there is some type of riddle that we need to solve between the three letters which to me sounds like he's out of his mind.

It's kind of weird seeing him like this. The man that repeatedly pissed you off and ruined your happy moments because of his smirk is not smirking anymore. I'm not saying I don't absolutely love this look on his face, but I must admit that it is very weird.

"So Jackson," Sara said teasingly, "Tell me about yourself." Sara has been in the kitchen for the past ten minutes drinking my beers, so I don't really think she is in the right mind either. Come on Alissa, where are you?

"My name is Ash," He says, "And as I told both of them at Redchurch. None of your fucking business Sara."

Sara and I lock eyes because she is an absolute genius, "We never mentioned my name," Sara smirks at him, "How long have you been stalking me?"

Ash took off his hoodie. Keeping his dark shirt on. It was the first time I noticed that he has a tattoo of a cigarette burning on his left bicep, but I didn't pay it much attention. "When Jeremiah asked me to take care of his stupid brother for him," He smirks, "I had to do my research."

"Very well," Sara says, "So what do you know?" For some reason Sara seemed concerned over what Ash knows. The look on her face changed when he smirked at her, it almost seemed as if these two knew each other from before. Was Sara hiding things too?

"That's for me to know-" He said before Alissa barged into the house and threw the letter at his face, "There is your proof," She let out a long breath, "Now show us the fucking letter."

Ash took his time to read and analyze every word from the two letters, "This doesn't make sense," He mumbled before reading the other letter for the tenth time. I was getting tired of waiting patiently but I knew I had to if I wanted a chance at him cooperating with us.

I also knew if I show any sign of anger or discomfort that will only feed into his ego, and that's something I didn't wish to happen. "Out of curiosity," He says, "Who would you choose?" He turns to face me.

I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about until I looked at his hand and remembered that he was holding my letter, "That's none of your business." I said, "Or isn't this your catch-line?"

It annoys me how nothing gets on his nerves, he just casually carried on reading as if that didn't trigger him, but I know deep down if this man had a soul. It would've ticked.

"Here," He hands Alissa and I our letters, "They have nothing in common," He says, "Except for one thing." He adds, staring Alissa in the eyes.

"What?" She asks, but gets no reply. All Ash is doing is staring at her soul. Until Sara finally figured it out, "You're both choosing between her aren't you?" Sara says, "You and Ezekiel must choose between Alissa and Jeremiah?"

"That's exactly it," He says, tapping his letter on, "Except I have to choose between her and Ezekiel."

The room went ghost-quiet, the TV sound seemed so far away all of a sudden, and the only voice in the house was the sound of the voices rushing in my head.

"Why me?" I asked, "What relation do we have together?"

"We are both looking for Jeremiah." He says, "Or have you completely forgotten about that?"

I get up with my heart on fire, "Don't ever ask me that question again," I yell, "Or I will fuck you up one more time."

He gets up and comes close to face me, "I would love to see you try," I drag my hand back to punch him but he grabs it before I could, "But it would be very unnecessary." He adds before he lets go.

Sara gets up and pushes us both away from each other, "Stop it you imbeciles," She says angrily, "You're not helping anyone."

She's right, Ash and I need to get over our differences and learn how to solve our issues without conflict every once in a while, "You're right," He says to my surprise, "We aren't helping anyone."

Alissa clears her throat, "If you aren't going to help us you might as well leave," She says to Ash, "We have things to do."

He gets sent back by Alissa's words, but can't say anything back. "Kyle," He finally says, "The person sending the letters is Kyle." 

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