Chapter Five

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It's been four days since Ash showed up in my house to give me my brothers journal, it's been four days since I opened a page in that book and read about my brother's life, and it's been four days since I've come to be sure that my brother is in fact alive, and alone.

Today, I'm supposed to meet up with Alissa at Redchurch to grab a cup of coffee. After a lot of contemplation, I've finally decided to tell her everything that's been going on from the beginning.

Perhaps it's time I show Ash that he doesn't hold all the cards and I have the power to fuck his life up just like he is currently doing to mine. I put on a casual fit, nothing too fancy, just a white top and a pair of black shorts my mother got me when I was young.

My physique shocks me till this day. The fact that shorts and pants I had when I was nothing but a child can still fit me perfectly is beyond me.

I made my way to Redchurch which is only a couple blocks away, but I had to take the car out because Alissa said she wants to take me somewhere but it's a surprise and I'm not allowed questions.

In her words, "Just get the car and stop asking so many questions, don't you love surprises?" and she hung up. I didn't even have enough time to tell her that the last thing I love in this world after my unconditional love towards her lovely ex-boyfriend, is surprises.

Surprises go against my motto in life: "Don't get excited about what you don't have control over." It's a principle I've lived by since childhood, although I can't recall who taught me this way of living. Nevertheless, it has served me well all these years.

I pull into the parking spot and see Alissa standing outside with two coffees in her hands - a cappuccino, my favorite, and her usual order of a large latte with extra sugar, which is the only thing she's ever ordered since I met her.

She was wearing a white hoodie and black pants which was kind of odd because it was only 20 degrees outside, but I assume she was feeling cold.

She had messy hair and she looked different from the girl in the black dress I saw last time. This time she looked natural, with no makeup, no lipstick, but I dare to say she still looked as beautiful as ever.

I beep the car horn to get her attention, and she finally sees the car. She makes her way over and gets in, handing me the coffees.

"Hello," she says as she comes in to give me a hug, "How has everything been love?" I give her a confused look, "Love?" I ask, "Since when did you start saying that?" Alissa giggles, as if her desire to baffle me has paid off. "I guess I just hung around you too much," she says, "Plus, you can't lie. I sound very cute when I say it."

I couldn't lie, she did sound cute saying it, but she also did whenever she said anything else. Alissa had a very calming voice, and mixed with her kind and generously patient personality, her soothing voice could mend a broken heart in a second.

"You do indeed love," I say "Anyways, where are we headed?" I ask, still in complete loss of why she asked me to bring the car. "Funny you ask darling," she laughed at her own words as she said that, "I can't do this anymore. I can't hold the British accent for longer than that."

Alissa wasn't from London to begin with so the accent really sounded funny when she tried putting it on.

"Anyways," she finally says, "We're going back to The Ruined Church."

"Wait what?" I say, surprised.

"Yeah didn't you like it there last time?" She asks.

"I did, but I never thought it would turn into our usual hang out spot." I say.

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