Chapter Eleven

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I arrive at The Ruined Church at 8PM, just like we planned, but Ash was still nowhere to be found. I took a moment to grasp this whole thing in, coming up with questions I have and thoughts about what could be going on.

Firstly I don't even understand why would he decide on this spot, and how did he even know about it in the first place. It definetely could be a big coincidence, but I must admit that Ash is a person who doesn't believe in coincidences, he never has.

I started getting flashbacks from the last time we were here, Alissa and I, and all I could think to myself was how much I hope this day goes well because I don't want to build bad memories here.

It's been way too long since a place held a sentimental value in my heart and I was going to allow some douchebag from my past to ruin it all. "Hey," I hear his voice from behind me and I turn around. He was wearing gym clothes and I assumed that he just got back from his workout.

"Why are you late?" He asks, trying to catch his breath. "I'm late?" I snap, "You said 8PM..." I check my watch, "It's 9:30 now." I add.

"Oh well, I guess I'm late." He says in his casual tone. That tone always gets on my nerves, the tone he has when he messes up but couldn't care less that he did.

"Anyways," He says as he puts his hands on his waist, "It wasn't me, It was Miss Nora." As if I know who the fuck is Miss Nora.

"Which is?" I ask, still waiting on a response. "It's Alissa's mom, I heard she's in town."

"What the fuck?" I look away into the distance, "but why would her mom send her a bloody letter?" I ask myself.

"That's the thing," Ash says, lighting up a cigarette, "If she did she wouldn't have known." He says as he takes a hit from a cigarette, "Oh, because she has memory loss if you didn't know," He hands me a cigarette, "Need one?"

I wave the cigarette off, "But how do you know about her mother," I wonder, "She told me I was the only person who knew."

Ash chuckles, "That's true, but you know the saying," he says as he takes a sip from his cigarette, "Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred batles, you will never be defeated -Sun Tzu." he lets the smoke out and says, "but it wasn't Sun Tzu that taught us this."

"It was Jeremiah." We both say.

"You know Ezie, I'm really disappointed in you." He says, "I gave you one simple task which is to follow the journal, but you decided that your girlfriend was more important. So I'll give you this, in the journal there is a date, a date which you must follow or you will say goodbye to your lovely Jeremiah." He says as he gets up, "Make a choice Ezie, you can't have it all."

"Wait!" I yell before he goes away, "You keep telling me to follow the journal but you had it first, how come you never found him?"

He stops walking and turns around to face me, "I already found him." He laughs, "Do you think I just gave you the journal because of Alissa?" He asks, "Come on Ez, you're smarter than that."

"Then what about Miss Nora," I ask curiously, "How the fuck do you know it was her?"

Ash giggles again, "Oh you poor soul," He says with pouty eyes, "How many lies do you need to be fed until you finally go seek the truth?"

"What do you mean?" I say, I could feel my eyes tearing up because I feel lost, and my mind can't think straight because of his teasing.

"It was what her mother always said to her," he says, staring me in the eyes. "But I bet she told you it was what her father always told her right?"

He walks away again, but this time I follow him and grab him by the arm, "How?" I ask furiously, Ash doesn't turn around, he just looks at my arm and smirk, "Going to hit me again are you?" He giggles. "If you want to know how I know all of this. It's because it seems like you forgot who Alissa loves."

"She doesn't love you anymore!" I cry.

Ash finally turns to face me and grabs me by the collar, "What makes you say that?" He yells, "What do you know about the historyher and I held together?" His voice grows louder, "Tell me Ezekiel, what the fuck makes you say that?" He cries.

"Because she said she loves me," I say calmly, "not you."

Ash pulls out another cigarette and drops to the floor, "You must protect her Ezekiel," He lights up the cigarette, "Promise me."

"From what?" I snap, "If you tell me what she needs protection from I can help!" I yell.

"From death," Ash stares at the grass, "From death Ezie." He repeats.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my heart throbbing, "Who wants her dead Ash?"

Ash gets up and takes the last hit from his cigarette, "Read the journal," He walks away again, "and read it alone."

Ash disappears into the darkness and I'm left there alone in my thoughts once again. I don't know what it is I need to do because this all got too much all of a sudden.

I once trusted him with my life, I've always known he would take a bullet for me no matter the case, but I guess this time I must trust him once again since it's Alissa's life we are talking about.

My phone starts ringing, releasing me from my thoughts, "Hey babe," It was Alissa, "What are you doing tonight?" She asks as music plays at the background. I catch my breath, "I have a work thing I need to get done, why?"

"Oh, I thought you wanted to come over some time tonight." She says in a sad tone.

"I wish I can my love," I say, "How does tomorrow sound?"

Alissa's clearly doing the dishes because of all the noises around her. Some random pop music at the background, cups and glasses getting put down, and the sound of the sink kind of gives it away.

"It sounds perfect!" She gasps, "I'll see you then." And she hung up.

Although l lied, I didn't have a work thing, but after tonight I had to go and read the journal, and if what he said was true. I must read it alone.


AUTHOR: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that chapter 10 & 11 were shorter than usual, and I promise that next week's chapters will be filled with mystery and intensity!

What are you're theories? Is Ash lying, or is he genuinely trying to protect Alissa aswell?

Do you think Alissa is hiding something?


THE BOY WHO NEVER SPOKE | CompleteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz