22 how long until things turn south?

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Third pov:

Exam season was just a few days from now for Katsuki. She wanted to relieve all that anxiety and stress, that had added on top of it the fact that there was little to no trace of the psycho man or woman who continously harrased them.

Some days she would get into her little bubble and think hard, trying to decipher on her own the whole mistery of who this person was.

Katsuki was a smart girl, but she wasn't depending on her iq to figure this whole situation out. If she had a bigger quality that saved her a lot of the time, it was her spot-on intuition. I mean after all, it WAS her own intuition that led her to travel the damn globe to Japan and find her soulmate.

So as far as her senses would activate when she thought of the whole mess, she couldn't help but get the feeling that whoever this was must be really powerful.

He couldn't be just another man or woman playing these sick games. Because that psycho seemed to always know what he was doing.

He was clever, he wasn't someone ordinary. And yes, she couldn't help but give the psycho the "he" pronoun. Not that she would believe a woman couldn't do something like this, but her intuition was set on the fact that it's a he.

With no final conclusion though, she always got close to her answer, but not close enough. And maybe, if she at least voiced her intuitions to Madara, he would've pieced a few things together too.

But she didn't. And sooner rather than later things would go down even worse, that's all her mind kept thinking about.

Katsuki's pov:

"Sasu, how did you do this equation? I'm hopeless!" I asked Sasuke

We were currently on a beautiful park, the weather was really nice so it was the perfect time for a study session just before the exams that would start on monday. So we grabbed a blanket, some foods to snack on and layed on a spot under a tree.

Sakura was also with us but she was studying at some other subject than the one I asked Sasuke to help me with.

"This isn't hard at all, why don't you know how to do it?" an irritated Sasuke snatched the pen from my hands and started showing me how to solve it

"Well sorry not everyone is as smart as you, Uchiha brat!" I push him a little and then cross my arms

"Pay attention because I'm not gonna explain a second time." was all Sasuke said and I focused since I really wanted to pass my exam

One hour later, I pretty much finished studying a big part of the materials. Sasuke's help was also great. All I need to do now is to calm myself down and stop worrying.

"Hey you guys I was thinking since we always pretty much go together to college why don't we just go on one ride? Like, I could come and pick you both up. It would save us time." I suggest while eating a strawberry

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Sakura claps her hands excitedly whilst laying on Sasuke

"No! I'm driving if you two really want that. Katsuki's driving is the worst." Sasuke rolls his eyes protesting

"You're so infuriating! I'm actually a good driver!" I defend myself squinting my eyes at him

"Yeah. Does Itachi know about that big scratch on the back? Or about the bump in the back door? Or oh yeah maybe about the-" he numbers my mistakes on his fingers and I intrerrupt him

"Alright! I get it! Please don't tell Itachi though. He gifted me that car and I don't want him to think I'm not grateful and don't take care of it!" I whine pleading

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