1 fresh start

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I stare at the wall, and the wall stares back at me as if to mock the way my days go by, and nothing happens. As if even they have more fun than me.

'You should think positive. You should manifest a more exciting life if you really want it, Katsuki.'

Should I? Should I really just wait and expect things to finally take a turn? For this loneliness to vanish into thin air, and the pain from all these years to seem worth a laugh because I'm finally happy? Though I've waited. And nothing changed.

No, people don't get it.

And manifesting doesn't work unless you work too.

I sit up from my bed and walk over to my window, realizing it's once again sunset time. Ah, sunsets. After all, a beautiful sunset shows that even the worst days can end beautifully. I gaze at the sky and try to take in the breathless sight.

What good for such a view if you have no one to share it with?

One day, Katsuki, one day. I keep reminding myself, like I haven't for the past 20 years repeatedly.


That day, is not going to come if I just wait for it. Nothing will change if I don't change.

And as I take a final determined look at the pretty sky colored in shades of pink and orange, I grab my coat and make the decision that would change my entire life. I must change things, I must face my feelings, I must face my fears.


"You did what?! Katsuki! Are you out of your mind?" my  friend Alissa nearly screams through the phone

"I know it sounds insane. But I want to change my life!" I try to reason my sudden decision

"I get it, Kat, I really do. But I don't think it would be the best decision. I'm afraid you'll end up hurt and alone across the world from here. What are you going to do all alone in freaking Japan?!?"

"I'll deal with it as I go. I'm gonna be fine. Maybe I will finally stop moping around about my life. I really don't know how to explain it, but it's as the whole Universe is screaming at me to go there."

Alissa sighs. "I just..... please promise me you'll be careful. Know your limit to this whole 'changing my life' resolution. Don't go around doing things that would transform you into something you're not."

"Oh my God, Lis, I'm not gonna go crazy over there." I say as I laugh "I just really have to do this."


"Gosh, I'm gonna miss you so much Kat! But I'm so happy at the same time for you. I know how much it means to you. You'll do great. And I hope that in short time we'll even have your so called prince charming! Who knows, maybe he's really on another continent." Alissa says half crying, half laughing

I hug her as tight as I can and assure her that we'll keep in touch no matter what. After all, we've been friends for years. Our friendship can withstand a little distance.

I make my way through the airport and as I lay in my seat, I notice the sun is starting to set. And I get lost in my thoughts again.

Will I one day look at the sunset and be in the arms of my soulmate?


Him. (Itachi UchihaxReader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum