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Katsuki's pov:

After the class was done, I thought it was best to set things straight with Sakura. Sasuke may have had good intentions with what he did, But the way he did it was really cruel and uncalled for.

I gathered my things ready to leave and I see Itachi waiting for me. I look at him and start to be embarrassed about everything that took place. Gosh, how can he look still so handsome and unbothered by what his brother did and said?

"Stop looking at me like that, Katsuki. Don't be embarrased. " he said when he noticed my look

"How can I not be? I-...This was really uncalled for. And I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. It's alright if you don't like me and Sasuke was just bullshitting." I say

"Sasuke might have outdone himself but I'm not going to backout now that he brought some light to our situation. You have nothing to be sorry for. And I can assure you he was not bullshitting." He said taking my hand and guiding me towards the exit

His touch felt so good and calming. In contrast to Sasuke's forced grabes today, this felt like it was erasing every forced touch that his brother laid on me. Almost like retaking his territory. I never wanted to let go.

"You mean...you actually like me?" I say while we stopped beside his car

"Yes. Which is scary. No one has ever made me feel quite the way you do. In such a short time even. " Itachi said and came closer to me, touching my cheek and all I wanted was to melt under his hand

"I like you too, Itachi." I whisper "But I can't help and think about all the things people say around about you and how you toss girls around. I came here to have a fresh start, not to be played by a playboy. And though you seem sweet up until now, I'm just... afraid." I say trying to keep my ground and not fall so easily, for all I know he could totally play me only to fuck me and leave me just like everyone said

"What others say doesn't define who I am. I didn't take you as the judging a book by its cover type of person up at the hill that evening." He said

"But I've already gone over all my principles for you, and I know I will just keeping doing it from now on. So I'm going to do what I would've never done for any woman... Katsuki, please let me show you how I am. I might hurt you in the long run unintentionally, for my life is quite chaotic. But I will never hurt you intentionally. I am serious about this." Itachi said

I was once again at a loss of words today. Never in a million years would I think all of this would happen to ME. And to have freaking Itachi Uchiha confess to me. And try to show me his real self, to be vulnerable. For me.

"Itachi... Why me?" I say trying to find the answer that would make me realize if I should really blind jump into this

"Because when you bumped into me that first day, I felt like my whole body yelled at me to keep you close to me. You, because no one in 20 years of my life, made me feel so attracted to them in a split second." Itachi said looking into my eyes

"If you really feel this way, then alright. I will give this a shot." I said putting my hand over his on my cheek

"Can I kiss you?" He said so softly that if we weren't so close I wouldn't have heard him


He leaned down, and I almost chuckled when I realized the height difference between us. It wasn't a lot but it was still some good 20 cm I think.

He closed the gap between us and once his soft warm lips were on mine, it's like the missing piece has finally been found. It felt like a slice of heaven, no, scratch that, it was the whole freaking heaven.

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