20 fun?

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Katsuki's pov:

One month has officially gone by, making it now almost exam time and well, soon summer holiday.
The past month has been good, which felt weird after the stunt the psycho pulled.

But since we had no trace of him, what good would it do to us to just dwell on it all the time? It also helped a lot that this time, Itachi did keep his promise and stayed home a little more now.

I'd say it's because I gave old man Madara the biggest puppy eyes in the universe, asking him to give Itachi a shorter schedule. I thought he'd say no, but my, oh my, did I found that old man's weak spot!

Itachi could not believe that in his entire years while working for his grandfather never once had he been succesful in making him reduce his schedule. Seeing his little girlfriend bat his eyelashes at the old man and he gives in... He wasn't sure if he should feel either happy that I did succed... or worried, that I did THAT.

This whole situation amused me to no end. I had no idea how me and Madara got to this point, how he easily bends to my wishes seeing that before, he disapproved of every girl Itachi brought home. But I sure as hell was not complaining having him on my side.

"Katsuki, I'm home!" I hear Itachi yell from the front door

Glancing at the clock, 8 pm. Now this is a good enough time to come home to! Not 1 am.

I was really glad Madara finally caved in. Honestly it wasn't as much for my sake, but as for Itachi's. I could easily put my needs aside, but I always worried about him, his health... his schedule sure did leave a mark on him, and it was the ever so present stress lines he had on his gorgeous face.

"Welcome home Tachi!" I tip toe and kiss him once he gets in the kitchen

He wraps his arms around me "Did you cook? I told you we can order food, princess. You should focus on studying, not bothering with housework."

"I wanted to, believe me or not, it actually relaxes me a lot." I chuckle

"Alright, but if you really do not have the time nor the patience, we order. Are we clear?" Itachi raises a brow

"Yes sir." I roll my eyes "You spoil me too much..." I softly smile

"Nu-uh! It's not spoiling it's bare minimum. I want you to focus on your studies." he responds

With each passing day, this man becomes more and more perfect and I can't help and wonder how in the world did I land him.

Sure, it wasn't always easy, our relationship has been going through shit very early on, and we have a lunatic spying on us, harrasing us and what not, but I guess the bad things did help at least to strenghten our relationship.

As if reading my thoughts, Itachi takes a glance at me and already knows I'm deep in thought at the dinner table.

"What is on your mind princess?" he asks

"Oh, nothing, just spaced out." I try to reassure him

"Please Katsuki, you know we talked about this before. Talk to me, I know there is something." his eyes never leave mine

"I was just.. thinking about our relationship. How life seems to throw our way really shitty situations, but I feel like they make our bond so much stronger." I softly say looking at him

"Katsuki...do you really feel like that? You can really overlook all of that?" he asks not sure where our discussion was going

"Yeah. Even if I knew it from the beginning, I would've still chose to be with you." I nod and give him a small genuine smile "You make me the happiest."

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