11 it's all good before it goes bad

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Katsuki's pov:

I woke up feeling Itachi get out of bed. Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was 5:30 am.

He saw me wake up and kissed my forehead "Go back to sleep princess. I'll see myself out."

"No, I'm up. I wanna make you coffe and some food to go." I say standing up and stretching

"Katsuki you don't have to." He said but I didn't listen to him

Passing quietly by the living room, trying not to wake Sakura up, I entered the kitchen and began making some bento box for Itachi to have to eat.

15 minutes after I was done and Itachi was fully dressed.

"Thank you so much, you really didn't have to." He said when I passed him the bento

"It was nothing. Have a great day! Call or text me on break." I tiptoe and kiss him

He grabbed me by my waist and placed me on his feet again like he usually does. It's such a small gesture but it always gets to me. It became our thing and I love it.

"I love you, thank you again. Have a good day too. I'll also see if I can have a word with Sasuke." He said breaking the kiss

"Lecture his sorry ass! I'll go out with Sakura today probably. I love you too. Bye Tachi!" I say as he gets out the door

I spin on my heel happily, letting out a scream because I bumped right into Sakura. I thought she was sleeping.

"Sakura! You scared the shit out of me! Did we wake you up? Sorry!" I say

"You did but don't worry. I wanna know the details. Right noooow!" She wiggled her eyebrows

"What? What are you talking about?" I blush, she didn't hear us last night right? We were quiet.

"Oh quit it. The walls are thin Katsuki. 'Ahhh, Itachi' 'Mmm Katsuki you're doing it so good' " she mimicked our love session from last night

I wanted to erase myself from existence in that moment. Madly blushing I said "I'm so sorry you had to hear that, Sakura."

"It's no big deal... at least one of us was on cloud nine last night." Sakura smirked "How big?"

"Oh God, big" I say covering my face

"Research fully completed. The Uchihas are gifted from God." Sakura said determined and I bursted out laughing

"I can't believe you just said that." I laugh

"Hey, at least they got good game if they're going to fuck us up, right?"

"Itachi is not like that..." I trail over

"I know, I can see it from a mile away, the way he looks at you with so much love, he is a new man." Sakura admitted

"If I'm being honest, they're brothers Sakura. I think Sasuke is not so far away from how Itachi is, he's just dumber when it comes to love. I think Sasuke likes you but he is afraid to be in a relationship."

"If it was that way why would he screw that Karin girl too?"

"Because he's doing exactly what he did from the beginning. Trying to push you away because it's his only solution. He can't erase his feelings for you, but he can erase yours for him. He pulled the same stunt the first time. He doesn't want to fuck up and he knows he will eventually if he is in a serious relationship."

"Katsuki I think you missed your chance at being a therapist I swear" Sakura laughed

We had breakfast together and at around 1pm we went to the mall to have a well deserved girls day.

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