7 complicated

247 15 11

Katsuki's pov:

My alarm wakes me up the next morning and I groan. Ugh, how I hate 6 am.

I get out and start my morning routine, noticing it's a little bit chillier outside today. Hmm, hope it won't rain because it would be a drag especially with my lunch with Itachi this afternoon.

Speaking of him....I glance at my phone to see I have a message from him already.


Good morning, Katsuki.
I'll come pick you up from college, just call me when you're done.
Can't wait to see you today. :)

5:56 am

So early? He went to that work thingy last night late and he's already up? I'm really curious about this whole work thing so I'll really make him explain to me a little more about it today.

I start to get ready and dressing. I get my purse and get out the apartament. I texted Itachi back and then Sakura.

I walked to the cafe we always meet at and I waited for Sakura, scrolling on my phone. A car stopped right beside me and I looked suspiciously.

"Need a ride?" Said a raspy voice and lowering the tinted window.

Tinted windows, black car? Sasuke.

"No, thanks. I'm actually waiting for Sakura. Who you should apologize to." I say

"Tsk. Still not over yesterday I see. Gotta talk to Itachi to lighten up your mood." Sasuke joked but I didn't find it funny at all

"Listen, I don't think you get it, but what you did was not ok at all. To me, Sakura or Itachi. I got your good intentions crap speech. But your morals are a long way from being decent. Sort yourself out, Sasuke." I scoffed at him

He looked taken aback and just left after that. Yeah, take that you emo duckass! Helped ne or not, I'm not gonna be tossed under the rug by anyone.

"Morning, Katsuki!" Sakura startled me from behind

"Morning! Let's go."

The rest of the day up until the end of my classes was boring as usual, adding that Itachi didn't come today either. At least some days I steal a glance or two at him. Wow that sounds like I am a fan. But I am though...

Nevermind that. The whole day he didn't text me at all. I kinda wished he did, and we'd talk and pass time. I was so screwed, all I Could think about at this point was him. Which was bad, I needed to focus on the lessons otherwise I'd fail my classes. But it's like I was a highschooler all over again swoon over by the damned guy.

At 4 pm, the last course finished and I parted ways with Sakura, Hinata and Naruto. Sasuke stood alone today. Which was odd. Maybe I've been a little too harsh on him this morning? But he deserved it!

I texted Itachi anxiously to tell him I'm finished. A few minutes passed and I got no reply. I thought maybe he was just busy and couldn't read it as soon. But the few minutes turned into one hour. And I stood in front of the campus like a total fool waiting for prince charming only so he can bail on me.

Goddamit, isn't this just the universe having a laugh at me for actually believing a guy like him would go for someone like me?

Stupid stupid girl. Falling over sweet words and some kisses. Pffftt.

And if things couldn't get any better, it started raining!

I got angry and went straight home through the rain. Fuck you, Itachi. Fuck you.

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