"Yes, you're right, and I think James and I should go on a voyage for a while, an adventure around the country and you can let me know what is happening, however you have to promise me something", She said after a few minutes of silence, now suddenly turning from a playful tone to a very serious one. I nodded slowly as she leaned closer to me.

"If there is any trouble whatsoever, you call me up right away, no matter how busy you think I might be, you're wrong, I need updates every week so I know you and Sam are alright. So we know that you guys are safe. We both know how fond James is of Sam and he is worried about her too", She said with a straight face, a small smile at the end of the sentence as I nodded in agreement. James was still a kid in all this but he was used to constantly moving around. 

"I will, don't worry. I need to go now before my brothers realise I am gone", I said with a smile before she nodded, giving me a wink and headed back into her bed, I tucked the duvet around her and kissed her on the forehead as she smiled at me. I could see the exhaustion on her face before she fell back to sleep. I put an extra blanket over James before I left, patting his hair down and moving the water bottle from his hands and putting it on the side, removing his shoes. I gave them one last look before I rushed out the hospital room, looking both ways down the corridor just to be safe. 

I threw away the blue jumper this time and headed down the stairway and into the parking garage, keeping my head down the entire time as to try to stay away from any camera's that might see me. I hailed a cab back to the street the hotel is on and stood for a moment as my heart sunk to my chest.

Their cars were back and parked at the front of the hotel. 

They knew I was gone. I panicked for a moment before I sat on the curb, thinking about what Sam would do in this situation. Lets be honest, she would run away and not look back. I didn't have that privilege, not that I would know where to go, I couldn't go back to the foster family's home and I needed to see Sam to check she was alright. 

I know what to do: go to the shops, pretend I had wanted some snacks. I rushed to the local store and bought some random things, some crisps and some biscuits, a bottle of Coke. I paid for them with cash, opening them as soon as I got out the store and threw a few away as though I had eaten a few of them already. 

I nervously walked through the front of the hotel, making an acknowledgement of the body guards speaking into walkie talkies as soon as they saw me. I pressed down on the elevator button, aware of the many men staring at me and then looking around. As I got into the lift , two of them joined me as I casually drank the coke. 

If I stay calm, act normal and pretend to keep up the family reputation of being arseholes, maybe they won't suspect anything out of the ordinary. I gave both the men a nod as they ignored me. 

"Manners are free", I said confidently although I was terrified on the inside, worried they could easily pull out their guns and shoot me in the head without a second thought. I got out of the lift slowly as to make it seem like I couldn't care less and headed into the hotel room. 

As I turned on the lights, Marino and Raymond were sat on the sofa drinking rum, staring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Where the hell have you been?", Raymond asked me in a very serious tone as I sarcastically jiggled the plastic bag I was holding with all my fake snacks inside. Marino shook his head at me as Raymond got up from his seat. 

He was a lot taller than I was but if I was to become intimidated, they would think that I did something wrong and that worried me even more. I kept a straight face before showing them my food.

"Want a biscuit?", I asked them before they both smashed their glasses down onto the table, the rum spilling out.

"Why did you leave the hotel?", They both asked me at once before I shrugged, once again motioning to the crisps in my hands.

"If you were hungry, there is an entire kitchen and restaurant downstairs you could of eaten at, not to mention a pantry full of food in our kitchen", Raymond said furiously as I put the food down onto the table.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't know it was there and I was super hungry", I said with a small smile, trying to seem as innocent as I could. Marino sighed heavily as he watched Raymond pace back and forth before turning to me.

"You could of been hurt, there was no one there to protect you", He said, but this time it was softer, kinder. I nodded and apologised.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise it would be huge issue", I said with a genuine tone before they both nodded, sighing angrily.

"It's fine, I will let Adam deal with you when we get home, now go to your room, we have an early flight in the morning", Raymond said before heading off into his own room, Marino doing the same before giving me a small smile and a "good night". 

As I closed the door to my room, I smirked to myself. Lying is no way the right thing to do, but I never realised just how easy it is to do so. I sat down onto the bed and grinned.

I get to see Sam tomorrow, I wonder what she has been up to this entire time?

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