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I don't like this girl. I don't think she liked me very much either. I wasn't the greatest at reading people, but over the years I had learnt different things to tell if people like me or not, Charlie gave me a book when I was younger. Now it's easier to tell what peoples intentions are, even though sometimes I still get confused. 

She came back about ten minutes later with a plate with 4 slices of pizza on it, plain thank god. 

"Here", she said, as she gave the plate to me as she took one too. What did this girl want? Friendship? I nodded as she gave me the pizza as she waited for me to say something, eating slowly as we both looked around the room awkwardly. 

"So, where are you from?", She asked me after a few minutes, giving me a small smile.

"England", I said back to her quietly as she nodded, giving me a look of "obviously" as we continued to sit in silence. She sighed after a few minutes until she looked directly at me.

"So, where did you go yesterday", She asked me in a curious tone, watching me eat for a few seconds before answering her.

"Secret ops mission", I replied back with sarcasm as she smiled at me, turning her head to the side in a comedic way. 

"Fine, fine, keep your secrets, why are you sat there?", She asked me as she pointed at the window sill, now chomping on her pizza as though she was starving. 

"Waiting for my brother to come back", I said quietly, annoyed that she was still here. I liked being on my own and her questions made me think that all she was doing is trying to find a weak spot or something she can make fun of me for. 

"Yeah, I heard him talking to grandpa about it, he seemed rather worried about something, mention a friend of his", Ebony said to me casually as I turned to her rather quickly. Friend? Charlie didn't have many friends and the only friends I could think of is James and his mum. 

"Why, what did they say?", I asked her casually, not to show her that I cared much even though I was worried myself. His mother was like a mother to be and he was like my brother. He always protected me and hated whenever the other boys would pick or tease me. She looked at me with an odd expression before picking at the cheese on her pizza.

"Nothing much, just that he had to fly to England today with Raymond and another cousin to make sure everything was alright, that was it really", She said to me with an unbothered look on her face.

"And they didn't mind that you were listening onto their conversation?", I asked her as she gave me a look of I'm assuming guilt.

"No. That's the best thing about being small and unnoticeable, people rarely notice you are around and when they do, they think you're too stupid to understand what they are saying", She said back to me with a grin, putting her pizza down. 

"It's kind of like my superpower, and ever since you got here, it's been enhanced and now I hear everything", She said with a smug look on her face. I nodded at her slowly before making a very smug comment of my own.

"Oh really, where did I go yesterday then?", I asked her in which she gave me a blank look on her face and glared at me slightly. 

"I don't know that one, but it was to do with their work because a scary looking dude came back with you", She said before putting a hand over her mouth, realising what she just said. My eyes widened as I realised what she meant.

"Work? What about it?", I asked her casually although I was dying inside to tell someone about it. She gave me a look of confusion before getting up from the bed and sitting opposite to me on the window. 

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