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"This is crazy! Ebony.....Pst Ebony", I whispered to her as she attempted to pick the lock of the basement. I was internally screaming. She was crazy, what if we got caught? Pretending to get lost is one thing but pretending to break into somewhere is a completely different story. 

"It's fine, aren't you curious?", She whispered over to me, kneeling down next to the door, staring at me with open eyes. I nodded my head slowly as she turned back to the door, sighing in exasperation.  

"Hurry up", I whispered to her as she shook her head at me, shushing me with her finger. She seemed too calm, as though as she had done this before.

"You would suck as a spy", She said with an annoyed face as the door clicked. She grinned as it did, slowly opening the door. It creaked open slowly, like we were in a IT horror story. 

"Bingo, lets go, quickly before someone comes", She said to me with a smirk, looking around one more time before slowly going in, waving at me to follow her. At least I didn't have to worry about Scar Face, he had to go on a task or something for a mission. 

That's what he told me anyway although he looked nervous. 

"Who the hell wants to be a spy anyway", I whispered as Ebony gave me a look of surprise. Maybe it was the annoyance in my voice that confused her.

"Who wouldn't?", She questioned me back with a smirk still on her face. I looked at her with obvious sarcasm as she glared at me. 

"What?", She asked me quietly as we made out way down the staircase into the basement. We were breathing heavily as we made our way down, hearing nothing but complete silence. 

"Why would you want to do something that makes you paranoid for your entire life?", I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders, giving me a look of realisation before quietly moving to the next step. 

"Good point I guess", She said, as though that hadn't even occurred to her before hand. As we made out way down, it became rockier with red stained wood on the wall. Ebony looked at me with fear in his eyes before trying to give me a look of reassurance and a small smile.

"It's fine, we are fine", She said to me as though she was my older sister or something. I nodded at her as we continued down the corridor, noticing her hand had now turned into a fist as she trembled slightly. 

"We should go Ebony", I said to her as shook her head. 

"No way, I have been wanting to go into this room for years, I practiced lock picking on my own door for three years before I got it just right", She complained as I shook my head, realising now the stupidity of this plan.

"If we don't go now and we get caught do you realise how badly this can look, sneaking around. They will never trust us again", I said to her I made her look me in the eyes. She nodded at me as we slowly made our way back up the stairs. 

Just before we got to the door, we heard Grandpa's voice shouting at someone. 

"Why the fuck is he lying?", I heard him yell as he entered the basement. We hid under the stairs and tried to make ourselves look as small as possible. Grandpa rushed down the stairs as dust from underneath hit us on the head, going all in our hair. 

Ebony went to ask me something but I put my hand up to her mouth, trying to make her quiet before she nodded her head. 

"We don't know sir, we have checked into this family and we see nothing out of the ordinary", A guy said as his voice changed pitch as he spoke. We heard three gun shots ring off into the air as Ebony clutched onto my hand. I tried to move it away before I saw that she was crying. 

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