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I had many questions running through my head right now. I was sat back onto my window sill, watching for Charlie to come home to answer them but it was getting very late. Where did he go? That was one of my questions. I had many to dream and think about:

Why did they not like Charlie?

What was in that hallway and what did it lead to?

Where was out father? I know we have one yet not one word was mentioned of him.

Did Ebony truly want to be my friend? 

Where did Scarface go and why did he look so nervous?

What were my brothers up to?

And finally, the most important question: Who the hell was the bait? 

I decided to shower and head into bed, thinking the entire time of who it could be. I thought it was Charlie at first however, if he was the bait, they would of found us years ago to use him instead of waiting so long. No, that can't be it. As I climbed into bed, I hugged Arktos tightly to my chest, playing around with his paw before I shot up.

I had been assuming this entire time that it was a who, what if it was a what? What if we had something they wanted in our house, something we stole from them that they needed! It wasn't a who that was bait, it was an object! I sighed in relief as I laid back down in my bed, pulling the covers around me with a small smile on my face. I had true fear that my brothers were using us, I didn't know for sure but it made way more sense. 

Alright, all I had to do now if figure out what this incredibly valuable object is, not because I needed to but because I have to, for the sake of my own mind to know that my brothers wouldn't use us. 

I tucked the huge covers around me as I rolled back and forth. This bed was too soft for my liking, I wasn't used to such a big bed, a comfy duvet. I sat up and looked around my room. A desk, perfect. 

I grabbed the blanket from the window sill and a pillow, piling them onto the desk as I removed everything carefully and put them underneath it as to make sure I don't stamp on the stuff in the morning.

I climbed in with Arktos tucked in my arm and laid back. This was much better than the bed, I felt way more comfortable. As I dreamed of the nightmare that was going to occur tomorrow, I thought of Charlie, hoping that he was safe and sleeping just as I was. 


I woke up to Ebony staring at me in confusing.

"If this was a murder film, you would look extremely creep right now, you know that right?", I said sarcastically as she laughed, rolling her eyes before staring at me once again.

"Why are you sleeping on the desk rather than the huge bed behind you?", She asked me as I got up, holding Arktos to me tightly. I shrugged my shoulders before she jumped onto my bed.

"It's not as comfortable as the desk is", I said quietly as she turned to look at me in surprise, after a few seconds of I'm guessing judgement, she nodded her head.

"Fair enough", She said with a smile. "Do your brothers know?", She asked me before I shook my head, putting the blanket and pillow back to where they belong.

"What are you doing here so early?", I asked her before she gave me a small smirk and I raised my eyebrows at her.

"So, you know how you guys are going to be gone all day?", She asked me as I nodded slowly. I did not like the ways she said that. 

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