• whats on the menu •

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Y/n's Pov;

"You sure?" I asked, softly, not wanting to sound to pushy.

"Positive." Kenny replied smugly, sounding pleased he had won a slight argument. He usually did anyways.

As we neared my house I rummaged in my pocket for my keys to unlock the door, as I suspected my mum wasn't in and I had previously left it locked, and to my surprise wen it came to unlocking the door, it was still locked. I switched the keys around between my fingers, making a jingling sound, picking the right one before slotting it into the door and twisting it around a few times, shoving the keys back into my pocket, far down.
I swallowed, opening the door and waiting for Kenny to walk in behind me, shortly after he did.

"So.. what's the plan. What' we doing?" I asked, taking my shoes off and placing them by the door, hanging up the jacket directly above, adjusting it on the hook so it didn't fall down.

"Uh.." Kenny shrugged, eyebrows raised and looking at me with his glassy eyes, doing the same as me, placing his shoes next to mine and hanging his coat above mine on the hook.

" pretty boy "

"It's fine. I'm sure we'll work out something to do, we normally do." I said calmly, going to the kitchen and placing a glass down that I had just grabbed from the cabinet above, gesturing it towards Kenny, and he shook his head slowly.

"Suit yourself." I laughed softly, filling up the glass with water and leaning against the kitchen island as I took a few sips, tipping the rest of the water down the sink in front of me and then placing it back down in the island.

"So.." I started.
"Do you wanna go upstairs, or we can just in the living room?"

"We can go upstairs if you want, watch a movie or something?" Kenny suggested.

"Sounds nice, got any in mind?"

"Ugh.. i hate picking." He chuckled.
"How about (...) ?" (i didn't know a movie to put 💀)

"I've never seen it.. so.. I'm sure it'll be good, if you like it." I smiled, walking upstairs and looking behind me to see if you were following.

"Mhm!" He followed upstairs, and we got settled on the bed, and we sat down together, Kenny resting his arm on my shoulder and his head at an angle, leaning down towards mine.

We sat like this for around twenty minutes, before Kenny spoke up again.
"Do you want me to stay the night? I can make dinner." He chuckled.
"Karen's always said that I'm a good cook, you gonna trust her word?"

I smiled.

"Maybe.. whats on the menu?"

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