• blunt replys •

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Y/n's Pov:
"What just happened..? I thought to myself as I  walk away from the window and back towards my bed. I woke up the next day and got ready for school, and decided to knock for Kenny in the morning.
I knocked on the door and looked down at my feet when he answered, looking a little bit annoyed at seeing me.
"Are you mad at me..?" I said quietly.
"a little." Kenny replied, scuffing his shoe on the floor a little.
"Why? I went out after school, and you haven't spoken to me since!"
"You were hanging out with Clyde alone."
"He's my childhood best friend, Kenny."
"I know.. but you never know somebody's intentions, Y/n." He said this in an almost mocking tone.
"Whatever." I scoffed, and walked off, walking to school alone that day, and I hung out with Clyde for the rest of the school day. I explained what was happening to him, and at least he was there to comfort me if my own boyfriend was in a childish rage with me.
"Well.. I didn't mean to mess up your relationship.." Clyde said softly, sorrow in his eyes.
"It's not your fault Clyde. Don't blame yourself, Kenny just gets jealous easily, and this isn't the first time we've had an argument over that."
I said, reassuring him.
"If you say so.. but i'll be here for you." He placed an arm around my shoulders.

Later on after school, I called Kenny.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hi." A blunt reply from Kenny.
"Is now a good time for us to talk..?"
"Mm, okay. Fine."
"But don't end the call." I say sternly.
"Fine." Another blunt reply.
"And, you have to be willing to sort things out. I wasn't in any way cheating on you, okay? I just wanted to catch up with one of my friends."
"So.. should I come over?"
"Yeah.. anytime soon." I sighed.
This was going to be awkward.

No Pov:

Y/n sat nervously on the edge of the bed, her hands shaking. She had been dreading this moment since the phone call. She took a deep breath and looked up at Kenny, who was sitting across the room with his arms crossed. "Kenny, I swear to you I wouldn't ever even think about doing that ," she said, her voice shaking.
Kenny didn't respond, but his face softened slightly.
Y/n continued, "I know it looks bad, but I promise you, I would never do that to you. You mean everything to me."
Kenny looked at her for a moment longer before finally speaking, "I know you didn't want to get into a relationship with Clyde. I know you wouldn't. But it just looked so.. real when I saw you two, and I just-"

Kenny's Pov:
My words were cut off when Y/n got up, and came over to me, placing a soft kiss on my lips. She knew I couldn't resist her, even if I was annoyed at her. I couldn't put on a fake act around her, because she always knew how to break it.
"I'm sorry."
"I shouldn't of accused you.."
The words came flooding out my mouth, and Y/n just hugged me, and honestly, I wouldn't of wanted it any other way.
I didn't really feel like talking right now anyways.

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