• my boy •

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idk i went to re read this to check it and the cover pic like doubled but when i edit it says it's only there once so idk🙁

Y/n's Pov
I laid in bed with Kenny, who had fallen asleep. His arms wrapped around me and his head on top of mine. I thought about earlier, and smiled when I remembered how protective he had gotten over me when Butters came anywhere near, and the sour look on his face when Butters had kissed me.
I woke up around 9am, and slipped out of Kenny's grip. I got up and got dressed, and went downstairs, to the kitchen.
~ how to make pancakes
While I skimmed through the recipe, I looked out the window to see snow, as usual. After I had prepped the ingredients and the oven, I got out the plates and began to make them. When I finished, Kenny still wasn't up.
"Kenny..?" I said, prodding his arm.
"Kenny! Get up!"
I poked his arm again, this time getting a reaction.
"Y/n.. stop poking me." He said, his voice croaky.
"Get up, I made pancakes."

Kenny's Pov:
I smiled at the thought of her getting up and doing that for me. I wouldn't of even gotten that treatment at my own house. I followed her downstairs and we sat on the sofa together and ate them, watching whatever show was on at the time.

a few hours later

Checking my phone, I had noticed Tolkien had texted me.

"Hey, everything's okay with you and Y/n, right? I saw Butters looking at her alot yesterday."

I put my phone down on the table in anger.

Y/n's Pov:

I placed a hand on Kenny's shoulder, not knowing what had just happened.
"Kenny? Is everything okay?"
"Yes, nothings happened. Just this.." He grumbled.
He passed me his phone and showed me the chat.
I put my arm around him and held him close to me.
"Oh Kenny."
"Seriously? It's just Butters! He wouldn't of even tried anything if you weren't there.
"I know Y/n! But it just annoys me. I'm trying to be protective over you, because I love you, and your just.. defending him?" He said, desperate.
"I'm not-" I paused. "Im not defending him. Im just saying maybe he didn't mean it like that."
"well.. I just.." He stopped talking and pulled me onto his lap, and kissed me softly, a few times. he started to move towards my jawline, kissing there aswell before moving onto nibbling my earlobe a little. He placed his hands on my waist and kissed me slowly again,  and then he playfully pushed me down so that I was laying down on the sofa with him kneeling over me.

part TWO??? IDK

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