• snowball •

437 7 2

Kenny's Pov:
I woke up before Y/n, and looked down at her, cuddled up in my arms. I slowly climbed out of bed, constantly checking to see if I had woken her. The reason I had woken up was constant noises on the window. Y/n's window faded the front of the house, so you could see everybody who walked past. I used my hand to lightly brush the curtain open, to see Cartman , Kyle and Stan all throwing snowballs at the window. I quickly looked in Y/n's mirror, and went downstairs and frantically unlocked the door.
"Quit it! Y/n's alseep." I hissed at them.
Cartman laughed and replied.
"Well, I don't care. Let us in."
"No! This isn't even my house and I don't think Y/n would want you in here anyways." I said.
I turned around on my heel to shut the door, and Y/n came down the stairs.
"Who is it-?" She asked groggily.
"Y/n! Tell Kenny to let us in!" Cartman yelled through the slight crack in the door.
"Let them in, I don't really care. But i'm going upstairs to make myself look more presentable." Y/n said.
I shut the door after they filed in, and ruffled Y/n's hair before she went upstairs.

"Well?" I asked, with Kyle , Stan and Cartman all sat on the sofas nearby.
Cartman began.
"Well.. apparently, at the party, Butters asked Nichole to kiss you so that Y/n would get jealous of you and Nichole, so she would kiss him."

My mouth opened wide as I stared at Cartman in shock.
"That sly little bastard!" I yelled, infuriated with Butters.
Y/n came downstairs, pulling her jumper on quickly. "What's happened?"
"Cartman, tell her.." I said.

He said it again, and this made Y/n annoyed too.
"I defended him so many times, only for him to do this? I didn't even think he had the balls for that." She muttered, and sat down next to me.

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