• the party part 2 •

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"Everyone!" Wendy yelled.
"We're playing spin the bottle!!"

Kenny's Pov:

I got a drink and held it in my hand, with Y/n at my side as we sat down in the circle.
I knew it was just a simple party game that didn't mean anything, and everyone had had far too much to drink anyways, so not many would even remember. But I promised Y/n I wouldn't get drunk, so I would be one of the many to remember.
Wendy spun it first, and it landed on Stan.
His eyes widened as he gave a confused look to Wendy.
Wendy had always liked Stan, even if he was gay and dating Kyle. But she had said it was just a harmless crush.
She batted her eyelashes at him as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips, Stan looking pale when she pulled away.
Then it was Stans turn to spin, and it landed on Kyle, lucky him.
Kyle smirked at him and went over to the other side of the circle, where Stan was, and kissed him passionately. You could tell he wanted to make Wendy jealous, and wanted to get rid of his own jealousy.
Wendy rolled her eyes and gave an annoyed look to Bebe.
After a few rounds, the bottle landed on Me, and Nichole was on the other side of the bottle.
I gulped and looked over at Y/n, who only scoffed.
Nichole crawled over to me and leaned in, and sat up infront of me and reapplied her lipstick. She wrapped her arms around my neck and closed her eyes, and kissed me. After one kiss I pushed her off me, but she pulled herself forward and kept trying to grasp at my shoulder.
"Nichole-" I said sternly, and Tolkien got up and pulled her out the room by her hand, and the game continued. Y/n sat closer to me then before, placing her hand in my lap. The bottle was spun again, by Butters this time, landing on Y/n. A pang of jealousy shot through me, and Butters went to Y/n and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, being respectful towards the fact I was sat next to Y/n.
After the game, Y/n pulled me aside.
She wiped Nicholes red lipstick off my lips, and stood close to me.
"You better not of enjoyed that.." She mumbled at me.
I took her chin in my hand and looked down at her.
"Of course I didn't. It was disgusting, and Tolkien was sat right there! She's got no respect for herself or anyone else."

I moved my neck down and gently kissed her, and playfully whispered things in her ear.
I used one hand to reposition the jacket on her shoulders, and she turned around and saw Butters talking to Tweek.


"Y/n, please. You know why I'm doing this."

A few hours later:

By this time we had all had a few drinks, and people were starting to leave, and the first person to leave was Tolkien and Nichole.
Tolkien looked pretty upset, and was dragging out a very drunk Nichole, who's lipstick was even more smudged.
Even I felt bad for him.
It had started to rain a little and I didn't want to get soaked, so me and Y/n left too. I took her hand and we walked back to her house. She had asked me to sleep at here since it was friday, and my mum didn't really care, she knew it would be better for me there then at home.
Y/ns mum wasn't in again, so I told her to go upstairs and get something comfy on and take her makeup off, and I made her a quick hot meal, because she hadn't had much to eat at school.
She came downstairs and sat down, and I brang her plate to her. We weren't drunk, but we had both had a few drinks. I sat down with her and we cuddled together for a while until she finished her food, and then I went up to get changed too. A few minutes later she came up after me, and we sat in bed for a while. I looked down at her and ran my hand through her hair, and then peppered kissed over her lips and cheeks.
-not this chapter being kinda boring🤓🤓oh well
kinda wanna make a oneshot book of this story like it's the same storyline and same relationships but just small chapters that i wouldn't put in this book
would also prob be updated more with things i THINK OFFFF IN SCHOOL
feel like i'm running out of songs but i'm NOT i jsut cant remember what songs i've already used

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