• Working together. •

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thank you SO MUCH for 17 reads i know it's not many but this is my first book and i don't see many kenny books written recently or updated recently so i thought id write one for yall so if u have any like chapter requests i don't mind adding them in or making a oneshot book for u :) just drop them in the comments but i appreciate every single person who reads this book, even if you only read a chapter! <3

y/n pov:
What was i thinking? I actually wanted to accept his offer. I'd known him for ages and i knew he could be really nice and caring when he wanted to be, despite his personality, and being known for being a slut, even if he was a boy.
I guess if he was in a commited relationship he would maybe change? I don't know.

Kenny's Pov:
I thought to myself, she looks so cute when she's flustered, and so peaceful too. I really like her, i have for ages. All the boys in our group know that, and i thought i'd made it so easy for her to figure out, I've barely spoken to any girls, and i haven't slept with any recently. The only girl i really had contact with was Heidi, and I had to speak to Wendy because of Stan, but that was months ago, he's with Kyle now.

I lightly tapped her on the shoulder to let her know we had arrived to the school, she was daydreaming, she's so cute.

Y/n Pov:

"Huh?!" I said quietly, yawning a little bit.
Had i really just zoned out that badly, infront of Kenny? How embarrassing.
I followed him off the bus and finally spoke to him.
"Kenny? Can i tell you something?"
He looked down at me with his gorgeous eyes,
"Hm? What is it Y/n?" He said, charm flowing though his words.
I could feel myself getting red, but only from his voice? Damn. Didn't know it was that obvious that i liked him, I didn't even know I liked him myself, i guess i barley know anything about myself, I should work on that..

"Well, I thought about what you said, and i have something to confess, but don't take it the wrong way, Okay?"
He smiled.
"I-I think i might like you. But I'm serious about this, i don't want things to get messed up with your fifty other girlfriends."
He placed his hand on my shoulder, comforting me.
"you know i've been working on this, I'm serious too, i want this to work out. Everybody's noticed i haven't been with any girls."
And after he said this, he placed his hand on my waist and we walked into the school together.

Stan and Kyle, who had gotten off the bus before us, turned around and ran over to Kenny, smiling.
"So, you finally told her?" Said Stan, looking at me and then chuckling at Kenny. "You look good together."
Kyle was stood close next to Stan, and made conversation with me.
"You know, I always thought you two would end up together, i don't know, you just kind of.. fit together?"
I looked up at him, and thought it was funny that he still wore the same hat ever since we were young.
"and you know how i know? it was always so obvious. Even when we used to hang out at the starks pond, he would always stay closer to you and talk more to you, then anybody else."
I smiled and replied to Kyle.
"Honestly I didn't think this would ever happen, not that i'm complaining, I just thought Kenny hated me all of a sudden, he acted so distant but also would talk to me at any chance he got, it was so.. confusing!"

The bell rang, interrupting us all, and causing Cartman and Heidi to come over to us.

"Looks like we've all got class together, Huh? You and Y/n got together? Why didn't you tell me?
Say Y/n, if you ever get annoyed at his poor ass, Butters still likes you."
I laughed quietly. Butters was sweet, but he always seemed to have a crush on me, it was funny. I never thought of him as anything but a little brother, i'll always feel bad for him.
"Seriously? I don't know how many times i have to tell him."
As me and Cartman were talking about Butters, Kenny looked jealous, and tightened his arm around me.
"well, we better get to class now, huh."

-666 words.

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