• Mysterion •

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Kenny's Pov:
I called Y/n's phone after I had just seen her with Clyde. It rang three times, before the line went dead.
No answer.
I left a voicemail, which was kind of stupid of me now that I look back on it, it was kinda mean.
"Y/n! What the fuck?!"
"Seriously? We literally just made up over that whole Butters situation." I ended the voicemail and hung up the call after.
I walked past the rest of the building and scoffed, walking home angrily.
When I got home, my Dad was home.
"Been at work?" He coughed.
"No-" I replied bluntly.
"Oh." He said back, taking a swig of his bottle.
I walked past and rolled my eyes, and went to my room. I went to open my closet and looked at the contents in it.
Some old posters, a few tatty books, my coat, and my old Mysterion costume.
I kicked it around with my foot, thinking for a moment.
'Maybe I could confront-
Not confront.. talk to Y/n, If I brought back Mysterion just one more time.' I thought.
'Yeah. That would work.'

A few hours later, I was making some food for Karen, and sat down with her.
When Kevin came in, I spoke.
"Kevin, I'm going out in a bit. Watch Karen while I'm gone."

kenny's thoughts:

'I know Kevin is older then me, but I feel like i've always been more protective of her then he ever was. I guess it's because Mum and Dad didn't drink so heavily when they had just Kevin. They actually raised him properly, but when I was born, maybe it became too much for them. I think that's why i'm more protective of her, because I blame myself for her not having the childhood she deserves, and the parents she deserves.'

Half an hour later, I got up and pulled the mask once more, like old times. I remembered when we all used to pretend to be superheros.
I left through the back door and walked through the alleys to Y/n's house, then I climbed the tree that was infront of her window. Her curtains were closed, and I hoped that she wasn't alseep yet, even though her window was slightly open.

I tapped lightly on the glass, and had no answer. Then, when I knocked, I saw the curtains move a bit. She was awake. when she pulled the curtains fully back and opened the window, I sat with my against the tree.

"Hello Y/n" I spoke in the deep voice that belonged to Mysterion.

Who the fuck are you?" She said, her eyes wide.
"Ill call my boyfriend if you don't leave."

If I was still Kenny right now, I wouldn't of been answering that call.

"Call him then."
"I bet he wouldn't even come." I said coldly.

"Why's that?" She questioned.

"Because i'm here to tell you that he's pissed at you right now, and you should know goddamn why." I spat, before coming down from the tree and back into the alleyway.

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