• taking you home •

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thank you SO MUCH for 17 reads i know it's not many but this is my first book and i don't see many kenny books written recently or updated recently so i thought id write one for yall so if u have any like chapter requests i don't mind adding them in or making a oneshot book for u :) just drop them in the comments but i appreciate every single person who reads this book, even if you only read a chapter! <3

Kenny Pov:
Cartman sat in front of us,quickly devouring his food that Heidi had bought for him earlier at lunch, and i looked at Y/n, and she started giggling. I think she knew why i was looking at her. Lunch wasn't ages, 12:40 till 1:15, but it was enough time to catch up with those we didn't have lessons with, so it was nice. Kyle wasn't with us for most of lunch as well with Stan, they were in the queues.
Y/n had pasta aswell, but hers was homemade and looked nice, so I picked up a fork from the cutlery pot in the middle of the table we sat at and took a piece out, and she moved the container into the middle, hinting that i could share it with her, she's too sweet. I pressed my fork down into a piece and held it up to her, and she ate it off my fork and laughed again, causing Cartman to make a disgusted face while Heidi giggled with us about it. I've never understood how Heidi has stayed with Cartman for so long, he's a pathetic excuse of a boyfriend if I ever had to say anything about him.
The bell rang and Y/n looked up at me and was about to ask me a question, even though i already knew what it was.

Y/n Pov:
"Kenny.. What lesson is it nowww?" I said, giving him a sickly sweet smile, hoping he would get the hint that it was a joke. I think he did.
"English, Babe."
We eventually got to the lesson and surprisingly we were sat next to eachother again. I wasn't complaining. We sat down and the teacher announced that we would just be watching a play of the book we had been previously studying, so it would just be like a free lesson, the teacher didn't mind if whispered.
A few minutes later i felt a warm hand rest on my leg, and so I looked up at Kenny and saw he was already looking down at me.
"Kenny?" I whispered.
"Yes sweetheart?" He replied.
"Do you wanna maybe, Come over later? My mum isn't home but she wouldn't mind, she really likes you, and I wanna spend time with you today."
"Sure, I don't have any other plans, and what do you have in mind? He winked.
"Well, definitely not what you have in mind." I whisper-shouted back.
He chuckled lightly at me, and moved his hand up and more to the middle of my thigh, and i placed my hand on top of his.

The last bell of the day finally rang, and I came out of my class to see Kenny shoving past masses of people to get over to my class. He had his parka on, but not zipped up, and the hood was down. I liked it when he wore it like that.
"Ready to go?" He said.
"Yes, obviously."
He rolled his eyes at me and took my hand, and we walked together out of the main doors and then out of the gates, and soon onto the sidewalk, which eventually led us to my house after many lefts and rights.
I unlocked the door and pushed it open, and I kicked off my shoes and left them by the door, and so did Kenny. We went to the kitchen and I made a pot of
f/d (fave drink) as it was cold, and we were both freezing. We went up to my room and kenny sat in the corner of my bed.
"You don't need to be stuck in the corner, you can have as much space as you like, get comfy." I said, giggling.
He took off his parka and blazer, leaving him in an untucked school shirt, tie, and school trousers. He sat with his back to the headboard, and his legs wide apart, arms crossed with elbows resting on his knees. I climbed up and sat in the gap between his legs, and he adjusted himself around where i was sat and held me close. He put his head on top of mine, and said things to me.
"I never wanna leave you Y/n. I love you, angel, please believe me? I know we've only been together for like, a day.. but I've loved you for.. so long."
"I love you so much Kenny, I'm the luckiest girl (just insert your gender :) | ) in the world."

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