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"I can't, Tae; it took me six months to save up enough to even take the boys to the movies. There's no way I can save up enough to take a bus for the three of us."

"I'm not trying to be mean, so please don't think that. But can you even take the boys? They aren't yours, biologically. Couldn't he claim kidnapping or something?"

Jin sighed, "He could do that regardless. But he doesn't care about them; he'd only press charges because I want them. I can't fight him, Tae; I don't even have a job."

"I could," Tae started before Jin cut him off.

"Don't even finish that sentence. You are my baby brother; I couldn't ask that of you."

"You aren't asking, I'm offering. I want you and my nephews to be safe."

Jin opened his mouth to say something, but he heard Jungkook cry out, "I have to go. Kookie just woke up from his nap. I'll call you next week when I can." He hung up and prayed that Jungho didn't check the phone call log. He made his way over to his babies. Jimin was still asleep, his thumb in his mouth, and Jungkook was sitting up sniffling. "Why are you crying baby?"

"Scared," Kook sniffled as he rubbed his face back and forth on Jin's chest.

He cooed at his son, kissing his fluffy dark hair, "Don't be scared. Daddy is here now, and Daddy will always be here."

Things were fine for about a week; the beatings were normal, nothing he couldn't handle. But then Jungho found the call log and saw that Jin had called his little brother. The boys were hiding, thankfully, and Jin was currently being choked. He saw his life flash before his eyes, his boys being next since he wasn't there to protect them. He couldn't let that happen; he loved them too much.

For the first time in his life, he fought back. He kicked out, making Jungho loosen his grip a bit enough that Jin could suck in a deep breath. But that just made the hits come in harder, hits he could survive. So he did his best to protect himself, but breathing hurt. He was fairly sure he'd broken a rib at this point. His throat was on fire, and his vision was getting blurry. He had to survive; he had to endure for them.

"Fucking pathetic," Jungho sneered before storming out of the house.

"Is Daddy okay?"

Jimin looked at this little brother; his big eyes were full of fear and tears. He held him a little tighter, "I don't know," and he didn't. That mean man left a while ago, and Daddy normally called for them by now. "But he'll be here soon."

They waited so long that it started to hurt being cramped together in that small space. Kook had fallen asleep a while ago, but Jimin couldn't sleep. He was too worried about his Daddy; he'd never left them in their safe space for that long before. He made sure that Kook was comfy as he curled up in a little ball. 

The little boy made his way out of the closet; he held his breath with every little sound he made. Afraid that the mean man was home and would hear him and then find him. He peeked his head out; it didn't sound like anyone was there. He tipped toed out; the house was so messy. That man wouldn't like that; he'd have to help Daddy clean up.

"Daddy," he whispered softly, just in case. But his Daddy didn't answer, and that scared Jimin. He walked into the living room and heard a soft sound that sounded like that dog that the man hit last year. There lying on the ground was his Daddy; he wouldn't wake up no matter what Jimin did.

His Daddy made him memorize Uncle Tae's number; he'd ask at least once a week to make sure that he still remembered. His tiny fingers were shaking so hard that he messed the numbers up a few times, but he finally got it through, "Jinnie? Are you okay? It's so late; what did that bastard do?" Jimin whimpered, causing his Uncle to suck in a breath, "Jiminie is that you?"

"Uncle Tae Tae, I'm scared."

"Okay, Baby, where is your Daddy?"

Jimin looked at his Daddy, "He's sleeping on the floor."

"Is that man there?" Jimin shook his head no before realizing his uncle couldn't see him. He whispered no. "Good Jimin, are you and Jungkook safe?"

"Yes, but Daddy won't wake up."

"Did you try and wake him up?"

"He wouldn't."

Tae sighed; he turned to his roommate and nodded his head. "Okay, Jimin, I'm going to call a friend, and he's going to come get you three. Can you be a brave boy and answer the door when he gets there?"

"Who is he? Will Daddy be okay?"

"Jimin, I promise you your Daddy will be okay. But in order for that to happen, you'll have to let my friend Yoongi in. He looks like a grumpy cat; you'll love him. If you ask nicely, he'll even give you candy."

"I'm scared," Jimin cried as he shuffled closer to his Daddy.

"I know you are, but just know that you are such a brave boy for calling your Uncle Tae Tae. For telling him that Daddy was sleeping and keeping your little brother safe. I'm so proud of you." Tae was trying his hardest not to choke up, "I'll stay on the phone with you until Yoongi gets there."

Tae tried his hardest to keep Jimin calm, but it wasn't easy since he was freaking out himself. But the four-year-old really was the sweetest; he'll never forget when Jin told him about the beautiful baby Jungho had brought home. How happy that baby made his older brother even if it wasn't his. 

Hobi nodded his head to let Tae know that Yoongi was there, "Hey bubs, Yoongi is there. Can you open the door when he knocks? Uncle Tae Tae will stay on the phone with you the entire time."

Jimin made it over to the door, but it was locked; he whined to his Uncle, who asked if he could unlock it for Yoongi. But he couldn't reach it; Jimin set the phone down and ran to the bathroom to grab his stool so he could reach the lock. He unlocked the door and scrambled back to grab the phone and hide by his Daddy. 

Yoongi poked his head in; he had white hair and a silly smile on his face, "Are you Jiminie?" Jimin nodded quickly, "I'm Yoongi; your Uncle Tae Tae sent me to help. Is that him on the phone?"

Jimin handed it over, "Is he alive? Please tell me that my brother isn't dead, Yoongi."

The elder walked over to the man on the floor; he was covered in new and old bruises and some cuts, and he was at least 50 pounds underweight. It was hard to find a pulse; it was weak, but he found it. "He's alive," Yoongi whispered, "But just barely."

"Get them out of there; leave everything but what the boys want. Drive them to Daegu, and we'll get him to the hospital."

It was late, so it should take them at most two or two and a half hours to get there. But he was worried, "Shouldn't I take him to the hospital now?"

"No, that bastard will find him, and what about the kids? They'd have to go with you, they wouldn't be safe either. Bring them here; we'll take care of them and him."

"You are lucky I was in town; what would you have done if I hadn't been here, Tae?"

The younger sighed, "I've been trying to get him out of there for years. I almost had him convinced, and then that bastard brought Jimin home. He stayed for that baby and then Jungkook. But if he stays any longer, that bastard is going to kill him, and then those boys will suffer more than they could ever imagine."

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