After that , I was given a painful beating and was left with a black eye and a broken wrist, my body was filled bruises and cuts because of the objects that were thrown at me too.

I was just a child...

But I was punished like I had committed some crime, after I was beaten , I was put in the closet for a whole week, only surviving on Mrs William's left over food. I was left alone to sit and cry in the darkness.

But it didn't stop there, after the week of punishment was over, I was bullied and tormented by the other orphans, I had to learn to defend myself against those big bullies, but I always managed to fail since they had a habit of ganging up on me.


I shook my head as I let go of the thoughts and forced myself to listen what was going on outside, but I couldn't hear much as I was in another room and also in a box, which didn't allow much oxygen inside it too.


My whole body jumped as I heard the loud gunshot from the other room, panicking as I thought about Lauren and if she was okay. My heartbeat was heard in my ears as I tried to control my breathing, convincing myself that Lauren was okay and that she wasn't hurt. After a few minutes of me having a panic attack in thisvconfined space , I heard a door open and my heart almost stopped as I heard Angel's voice.

"Search every fucking corner, we're gonna find that whore and kill him!"

"H-he's not here, miss", Lauren's voice was heard and I was relieved to know that she was still okay and that she wasn't killed. Shuffling noises were heard in the room as objects were lifted and thudding noises were made too.


A male voice was heard and I released a breathe that I had been holding in for too long, which accidentally made a embarrassing whimpering sound as I slapped my hands onto my mouth , eyes widening as the room was met with silence. "Looks like our prey is still in here", Angel said and I prayed that they didn't hear it come from this box that I was in.

I kept my hand on my mouth as my breathing pace fastened yet again and I was sweating profusely. All the hope that I had inside of me vanished the moment the old door was lifted and I was met with a man's smirking face as he looked down at me.

"Bingo", he said as he grabbed my arm and forcefully lifted me as I struggled in his hold, punching him the moment my feet hit the ground, I kicked him in the balls and he grunted in pain as his hands met his groin. I was grabbed by another man from the back and he had me in a painful grip as my body was held still by him.

"Let's take you back home, shall we?", Angel said as she gripped Lauren's hair and she let out surprised gasp. "And don't even think of calling the cops because they won't be able to do a fucking thing", she whispered in her ear and threw her to the ground, making her let out a pained sob.

I was dragged out of the room as I screamed for them to let me go , I looked back and saw Lauren looking at me with eyes that were filled with tears as she had a hopeless look on her face.The man that was carrying me suddenly gripped my hair and pulled my face to his , making me look directly at him.

"Fucking your feisty ass would be so damn good", he sickly said and I tried fighting even more as his hold on me tightened and he was pushing me out of the store, he finally let go of me and I landed with a loud thud onto the ground. I immediately lifted my body and desperately started crawling away from them but my hair was gripped into a tight hold as I was yet again dragged to the black vehicle.

I screamed out loud as I was busy being pushed into the vehicle, but I was surprised to feel that the man that was pushing me into the car, suddenly stopped his movements and had a pale look on his face, I looked in the direction that he was looking at and tears slipped out of my eyes as I saw four vehicles stopping right infront of us with many men stepping out of the cars, pointing guns at all of us.

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