Chapter 15: Practice with a Foreign Language

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"But I hit the other spot?" I question as my face fell and I pout like a little kid.

"That doesn't mean the rest of your career will be just as good as that one pass." She said than pointed to the spot on the fence. I position my self just like I did last time and let the ball fly right threw the air about ready to hit the spot when suddenly something came and snatched the ball from its path. Almost as fast as a frog catching a pesky fly for dinner. Instantly my heart broke as my beautiful pass was snatched out of the air by Janetta.

"What was that for?" I question

"Your passes are a little slow and too easy for someone to easily intercept. Like I just demonstrated." She says handing me the football again. I look at her with anger because she caught my prestige pass.

It's not her fault. You WERE the one who asked her to help you.
I really hate my logical mind.

"Fine." I reply stubbornly before getting back in position before hurling the ball that the spot she pointed to. And just like she did before, she snatched it out of its path.

"Hey!" I screamed getting pretty frustrated with her attitude.

"Again." she spoke before pointing at another spot on the fence. "I can tell I'm really pissing you off." "Come on." She taunts "Just throw the football Mason. Don't be a weak little quarterback?" She taunts again and I take my anger out of the fence by launching the football straight at the spot she pointed too. I was so frustrated the ball created a dent in the wire fence.

"Now. that's better!" She says happily and passes the ball back to me. I wind up again as she begins to taunt again.

"C'mon Mason."
"Harder." She chants over and over again

"Only if you want me too." I reply cockily with a smirk on my face as she puts a hand on her hip and gives my a 'are you fucking serious' expression.

"Ok. Ok. Sorry." I say surrendering before hurling the ball into the fence making the whole section of wire fence move back and forth as another dent was put into the fence.

"Finally! Hope is restored!" She says and gives the first crack of a smile I've seen for the past 2 hours.

"And she smiles!" I say raising my hands up to the sky as she chuckles before it comes out to a full on laugh. Her laugh is so cute though.

Wait. Did I just say her laugh was cute.

But it is and you can't deny it.

I look to her and laugh as she has no idea what just happened in my head to make me laugh. So we're both laughing like mental people until I was laughing so hard a snort came which made us laugh even more until we're both hunched over and laughing.

"I think everyone here thinks we're mental." She states finally collecting herself and standing up properly.

"Probably." I reply and pick up the football again. I launch it faster and more precise than I ever have before. After many more dents in the fence and my arm sore as crap, we went back to the bench and took a break.

"So. Umm quick question. What the heck was that back there?" I ask getting another drink of water as I await for her answer

"Me catching your, finally accurate, but slow pass." She replies

"No. Before that, the whole mumbling in a different language thing?" I question and she just blushes, than looks too me.

"Oh that. Wait you heard me?" She asks and I nod taking another gulp of water. "Well, my first language isn't English, its German." She says

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