Chapter 9: Operation: Yamato

Start from the beginning

Ady Gil: "I am my own Commander." she said, "I'm the first Kansen Commander and my classmates at Sakura always bully me about it."

Andy: "Oh, you're Sakuran, I'm supposed to greet you guys, but if worse comes to worse, you'll have a place sailing alongside me and my a fellow Commander of course." he offered.

Ady Gil: "That would be great!" she said, cheerfully, "My fleet will arrive in a few days time and I hope they get along with your fleet."

Andy: "Ah that's nothing to worry about, if Akagi behaves it'll be smooth sailing." he stated, waving her concerns off, "Anyway, if that's all, you can meet me on the Steve Irwin later, I'll catch you up on a few things."

Ady Gil: "Ok, sounds good." she said.

Ady walked off to the cafeteria as Andy went to the Admiral's office, he was contemplating telling Ady that he was Irwin's host. When he got there he was allowed in by Lieutenant Dave but heard the Admiral arguing over the phone.

Admiral Emily: "I know it's a part of your history but seeing the current state of the world it's a stupid part of history!" she yelled, a pause to hear the other person on the phone, "I'm not looking over something I already opposed to!"

Andy: "What's going on?" he whispered.

Lieutenant Dave: "The Sakuran Admiral wants to continue whaling because of the fact he is a very traditional man." he whispered back, "Everyone else is opposing so he's getting a little desperate."

Andy nodded as the Admiral finally slammed the phone against the wall enraged at the thick-headed Admiral on the phone. When she finally looked at who came in she composed herself and calmed down.

Admiral Emily: "Yes Andy?" she asked.

Andy: " of the Sakuran's just came in, Ady Gil." he said, "I was gonna ask permission to tell her about my condition but uh....well..."

Admiral Emily: "Oh is that all?" she asked, "It's fine to tell her, she's a sweetheart and a good girl."

Andy: " sound like you say that from experience..." he said.

Admiral Emily: "She's my niece." she stated, "She's as harmful as a butterfly, in other words, not at all."

Andy: "Oh....ok, I'll tell her when I next get the chance." he said, getting ready to leave.

The Admiral nodded as her other phone rang.

As Andy made his way to the cafeteria to talk with Ady he saw a group of 4 ships sail into harbor.....all of whom familiar.

Andy: "Oh fuck..." he cussed.

Coming into harbor was the rest of the Japanese Whaling fleet 3 Harpoon Ships (Yushin Maru 1-3) and a Factory Ship (Nisshin Maru). Andy felt Irwin take partial control and glare at the whalers wanting to order Georgia to sink them right there and then.

Andy: "Easy Irwin..." he said.

Steve Irwin: "Those bastards are gonna try breaking the law again!" she yelled.

Andy rolled his eyes....before registering that he was talking to Irwin.

Andy: "Wait a minute..." he trailed off.

Steve Irwin: "Yup....this is earlier than I expected." she replied, not the least bit shocked, "Now can you please do something about them!?"

Andy shook his head and walked over to their dock to greet them, slightly angry. Andy walked up to the Nisshin Maru as its Captain walked down.

Hiroshi: "Kon'nichiwa down there." he greeted, "I'm Commander Hiroshi Ogawa, son of the former captain of this ship, are you the Commander sent to greet us?"

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