32. You Call That Romance?

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"What you said about one of these days..." Sasha whispered as they walked back from the sept. Sandor smiled back at her. "Did you... did mean it?" 

"Aye, need your fathers blessing and yours of course." Sandor added. 

"Yes." Sasha agreed immediately. 

"Aye?" Sandor smiled that smile reserved just for her. 

"Of course I would marry you right now."

"In the streets of flee bottom?" Sandor pondered. 

"Right... there-" Sasha pointed back to the sept with a laugh. 

"Ah, thats better." Sandor agreed. "I didnt offically ask you yet." 

"Then ask and I will say yes." Sasha assured. 

"I'm going to try and make it romantic and shit." Sandor remarked. 

"Okay." Sasha agreed. She stared back up at him. 

"I'm gonna do it... not this second." Sandor corrected. 

"I said okay." Sasha reminded him. 

"And now you are looking at me like that." Sandor agreed. 

"Like what?" Sasha countered when the townspeople started complaining louder and louder as they walked, they were unable block out their pleas that they were hungry begging the king for help. Joffrey ignored them Sasha was focused on Sandor. That was when the shouting and throwing started.

'We are hungry your grace.''

''Help us!''

''Feed us.''

''Bastard!'' That pissed him off. What pissed him off even more was getting dung thrown at his head. 

'Kill them kill them all!' Joffrey demanded furiously. 

''Take the king. Protect the king!''

''CLEGANE!" Cersei demanded Sandor scooped up the little prick his eyes searching. The royal family rushed behind Joffrey ushered in quickly while Sasha got swept up in the madness. Sandor dragged in Joffrey but Tyrion looked around for Sasha but she was nowhere in sight.

"Excuse me," Sasha was jostled in the madness thrown about as she tried to get her footing and before she knew it she was being grabbed. 

''Where is she? where is Sasha?'' Tyrion questioned. Joffrey ignored him his own head spinning from the almost attack. 'take some men and go find my sister-'' tyrion demanded.

Sasha thrashed and ran in desperation from the men who pursued her. One caught up to her though grabbing her arm roughly. She slapped him and he hit her in return the hit so strong she fell to the ground. Two other men caught up they stared down at her. 

"Where are you going?"

"You ever been fucked? Come here."

''I don't take orders from you imp, I take them from the king.' Meryn spat.

'JOffrey she is your aunt, she is family!" Tyrion shouted.

"She means nothing to me." Joffrey corrected. Sandor didn't see her either. He stomped back outside.

'No please, no!' Sasha was screaming as men grabbed her pulling at her dress. 

Tears ran down her face and the makeup cersei had done was now smudging right off.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Still got a cunt don't she? Who cares what she looks like."

Sasha shook and shivered as they pulled at her clothes. She thrashed in their grip trying to get away and failing miserably.  She fought back but there are too many of them.

" Please! No! No!" Sasha begged and screamed.

The men continued their assault. One held down her hands while the others tore at her clothes. She screamed and screamed, Sandor heard, appearing in the alleyway.  Sasha looked to him as he gutted the man closest to him. 

"Sandor." Sasha whimpered, he grabbed the next man by the throat snapping his neck before dropping him to the floor. Sasha closed her eyes curling up into herself as he took care of the rest. Sasha didnt dare move she was terrified and whimpering.

"No, no, no, you can have her-" the man shouted, sasha heard the gush of blood, the squish of the blade going through him, the groans of agony as he fell to his death as well. 

"Sasha," Sandor knelt beside her. "You're all right now... You're all right." Sasha clung to him. 

"Thank you Sandor." Sasha whimpered not letting go. 

"What's more fucking romantic than that?" Sandor mused holding onto her. "Marry me Sasha."

"Yes." Sasha agreed. "And you and I have two very different ideas for romance." 

"Come on, lets get you back, cleaned up." Sasha nodded as he picked her up, kissing her temple she cried tears of relief, when she was with Sandor, she was safe. 

"SASHA!" Tyrion declared as she clung to Sandor. "Are you alright?"

"I'm... I'm..." she nodded slightly. 

"Gods," Tyrion whispered, she refused to let go of Sandor.  

"I got her." Sandor assured. "She's safe with me."

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