14. Bushes

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'I'm sorry to see you leave' Jon said as Tyrion finished pissing off the edge of the wall

'It's either me or this cold and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.' Tyrion told him.

'Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south?'

'I suppose I will gods know there are not many featherbeds between here and Kings Landing.' Tyrion reminded him

'If you see my brother Bran tell him I miss him tell him I'd visit if I could.' Jon requested

'Of course' Tyrion said.

'He may never walk again' Jon informed him

'If you're going to be a cripple it's better to be a rich cripple. Take care snow' Tyrion said walking past.


"Tyrion wrote." Sasha remarked happily as she sat down beside Tywin on the couch. "He pissed off the side of the wall and he's coming home." Tywin scoffed. 

"Dont talk like Tyrion please my dear." Tywin begged. 

"Sorry father." Sasha agreed as she reread the letter again.  "Did I tell you about the winter berries?" 

"No, you didnt." Tywin remarked he reached a hand out running it through her hair. 

"They are amazing, Tyrion is going to try and bring me back some. They are like blueberries but better." Sasha remarked. 

"Better than blueberries, thats high praise." Tywin realized. "I will have to get a few bushes put in here for you then." 

"You think winter berries can grow in the south?" Sasha countered. 

"Why dont you grab one of those books and find out." Tywin suggested and Sasha got up moving to the bookshelf. "I think it has a green cover- to the left, yes that one." Sasha pulled it down 

"Herbology of the greater westeros." Sasha read off. "Plant life, tending to your greenery and making your harvest flourish... I dont think I read this one." Sasha remarked. 

"Ah, a book you havent read yet, that in itself is a mystery." Tywin mused as she sat back down beside him. She scanned the book looking for winter berries.

"Would it be under bushes, winter, berries or northern harvest?" Sasha pondered. 

"Thats a good question," Tywin leaned into her and she placed the book between them. 

"It goes from Peach tree to corn, to strawberry fields, it doesnt make sense." Sasha remarked. "There should be categories."

"Perhaps you would like to redo the library again my love, fix the old volumes with insolent writers." Tywin pondered. 

"I could," Sasha agreed slowly as she continued to flip through it. "But after I find the damn winter berries... could you get a bush and we try anyways even if it says its impossible?" Sasha questioned hopefully. 

"Sasha my love, we are lannisters, nothing is impossible." 

A week later Tywin and Sasha were in the garden on their hands and knees planting winter berry bushes. 

"Winter roses grow in the south, I dont see why winter berries wouldnt." Tywin offered. And since it was a bush as long as the bush thrived, sasha kept them watered and kept wildlife away from it, not digging it up every year more winter berries would grow. 

Sasha wiped her hands on her pants as she rose up.  She looked over her bush, it was beautiful and she was so excited for it to bloom. 

"Wonderfully done my darling." Tywin declared. 

"Thank you for getting me three bushes!" Sasha declared. "I'm so excited. I think I ate a bushes worth in a day at winterfell. father I think you would have liked winterfell the starks are very nice." Tywin shrugged. 

"Never got along well with the starks." Tywin reminded her. 

"Yes but that was a long time ago." Sasha countered. "Speaking of starks..." 

"Oh no." Tywin grumbled. 

"No, its nothing bad!" Sasha assured quickly. "Might we go for the tourney?" Sasha questioned. "The hands tourney, Lord Stark was kind to me.. and... well I miss... Myrcella." 

"Ohh?" Tywin offered. 

"And Cersei and Jaime and... Loras is competing as well."

"You like Loras do you?"

"He is family." Sasha offered. 

"Hes not good enough for you." Tywin remarked. 

"I dont like him like that." Sasha assured. "He is my friend and I want to support him." Tywin sighed debating it. 

"ALright, I will come too." 

"You will?'' Sasha didnt think he would agree so easily.

"Is that a problem?" Tywin countered. 

"No, no, I'm glad, I'm happy you are coming with, this will be so much fun!"

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