30. Whispers & Tears

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''Demon monkey?'' Tyrion scoffed.

"Hey... Theres your little sister." Bronn offered. "With the hound... well, well..."

Tyrions gaze snapped around finding her on the other side of the crowd with none other than Sandor Clegane. 

"Sasha!" Sasha tensed until she realized who was calling to her and then she tensed again looking to Sandor. 

"I havent told them." Sasha whispered. Sandor expected her to ask him to lie but instead she was going for the truth. "No time like the present." she added and Sandor smiled down at her. 

"Sasha, when you asked me for ale, I was surprised and now I see who it was for." Tyrion remarked. 

"I'm... I'm seeing Sandor, and dont tell father yet, I want him in a good mood when I ask him for his blessing." Sasha begged. 

"Wow, blessing, thats..." Tyrion looked between them. "I'm happy for you Sasha."

"Thank you." Sasha whispered leaning into Sandor.

"You enjoying the show?" Bronn questioned. 

"I can't believe they are calling you a demon monkey!" Sasha corrected. "It's joffrey's fault, not your own." 

"Thank you, thank you!" Tyrion agreed. "Sasha, you want to go on an adventure, we are tracking down some wildfire." 

"Wildfire, why?" Sasha countered. 

"To see if Lancel is lying and what Cersei is up to." Tyrion offered. 

"That sounds..." Sasha looked to Sandor. Him and fire were a no go. "I think I will pass. I'm spending this afternoon with Sandor since Joffrey is otherwise occupied." Sasha remarked. 

"Of course, you two have fun and Clegane, you be good to my sister or I will have Bronn beat you up." Tyrion warned. The men shared a silent stare back Sandor looked to Sasha. 

"You ready?" sandor questioned. 

"Have fun with your wildfire." Sasha offered waving goodbye.

"SHe's too sweet for this world." Bronn remarked.

"I agree." Tyrion said. "Come on, time to find a pyomaester."


''You're the master of whisperers.' Joffrey spat at varys 'You're supposed to know everything.''

''No man can be in all rooms at all times." Varys remarked ''I have many little birds in the North, My Lord, but I haven't heard their songs since Theon Greyjoy captured Winterfell.'' Varys told him. Sandor held back a yawn, he found that now that he had someone to get to, someone to occupy his time that he loved, that he wanted to be with he hated guarding Joffrey all the more. He wanted to be done for the day so he could be with Sasha. 

''The Stark forces are distracted. Now is the time to strike.'' Joffrey demanded

'To strike?' Tyrion asked 'My dear nephew, you do see these men preparing the walls for siege? You do understand Stannis Baratheon sails this way?''

''If my Uncle Stannis lands on the shores of King's Landing, I'll ride out to greet him.'' Joffrey said confidently. He didn't get his bravery from Jaime or Tywin that was for sure. Even Tyrion was braver than Joffrey.

''A brave choice, Your Grace.'' Varys offered

''I'm sure your men will line up behind you.''' Tyrion mused

''They say Stannis never smiles. I'll give him a red smile from ear to ear.' Joffrey said walking off. Sandor rolled his eyes following Joffrey off. 

'Imagine Stannis's terror.' Tyrion mused,

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