1. Have a Heart

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"We have to stop at the rock." Tyrion declared and Cersei groaned. "Shes all alone there don't you have a heart?" Cersei scoffed. "An adventure will do our Sasha some good. I know father would agree." 

Sandor tried not to ease drop. He tried to tune them all out when they were together. He didn't care of the Lannisters. Thought them all cunts with the exception of the littlest lannister. Sasha. She was perfect.

She wasn't full Lannister like her half siblings and sandor thought that was why.

Seven years after Tywin's beloved wife joanna died. He remarried for duty and unions sake. A year later they had a little girl. Sasha Tyrell Lannister. The nurses and maesters made a similar face as to when they delivered tyrion though and tywin wad damn near ready to swear off children, all children. Two failures? Honestly.

Sasha wasn't an imp like tyrion but her skin was riddled with what looked like a rash. Her face mainly, spots on her chest and down her arms and back slightly. 

Her mother, Daisy jumped straight to grey scale. They were all going to die. The maester assured her it was not grey scale. The babe cried out while they poked and prodded at her skin. Sandor knew that feeling. He had been shoved into the flames just a few years prior.

"Come on don't be mean to her. Shes our baby sister. " tyrion reminded Cersei as the carriages were packed up. "I think she would enjoy it."

Sasha and Tyrion had been the anomaly of the family. Daisy despised sasha. Just as Tywin despised tyrion. They found comfort in each other. Played games cards and chess. People watched. Tyrion taught Sasha how to read. Tywin didn't hate sasha. Not really. She was the ever doting daughter. Did everything tywin asked and more. She only ever wanted to please him. 

Tywin had told Sasha to rearrange the library sorting by author and she didn't sleep until it was done. Tywin had found her asleep on the floor. The shelves were magnificent. She had been eight at the time and nearly killed herself getting the top rows but she did it. She did it because Tywin requested it and she wanted nothing more than to make him happy. 

 Tywin had picked her up bringing her to her room she didn't wake once during the journey. When she did wake though she ran to her father and asked if he liked it. He said he did and Sasha waited for more but never came. She asked if he really liked it because she would happily change it if he wanted. He told her it was perfect and she beamed back at him. Told her good work and to get some food. She withheld the urge to hug him. Her feet twisted on the ground wanting to say more but knowing that was her dismissal. Then to her surprise he rose and gave her shoulder a squeeze again her smile widened yet again. His other children never wanted to make him happy. 

Cersei although beautiful like her mother and jaime a knight like he was in his youth they didn't care for him. For what he wanted or needed. They did as they pleased. Sasha on the other hand, did care. She wanted Tywin's love and approval knowing her mother would not give it to her. 

"Father enjoys her. Let him keep her." Cersei had countered when tyrion begged to collect sasha for their journey north.

Daisy had fled not long after Sasha was born, she didnt go back to high garden everyone assumed she fled across the narrow sea and 22 years later no one had seen or heard from her again. Sasha knew what Cersei had told her, that her mother thought her a hideous beast and ran in horror. Tyrion knew that Cersei liked to torment him but he felt a responsibility to look out for his little sister as Jaime had tried to over the years. Sure Jaime did a shit job but he wasnt the worst brother ever. Tyrion was trying to be the best brother to Sasha. 

Tywin read in the study with sasha taught her history and languages. Knowledge is power and languages are knowledge he had remarked when she was struggling to roll her Rs. He helped her perfect her script. Lefty he thought annoyed whenever he saw her write. She saw his distaste and said she could try writing with her right hand if it pleased him. It did please him. She was awful at first but she wrote for hours and hours late into the night wanting her script to be perfect in both hands. He trained her in mathematics and in money. How to know when to spend it, when to save it and what to spend it on. He had brought her to harenhal on multiple occasions and she found she loved riding and swimming. Hood high while riding and face in the water. She got to be normal. No one saw what made her different.

Tyrion saw sasha trying so hard to win their fathers love and wanted to tell her its never going to happen to save her the heartbreak. Not for people like us but he saw a candle flickering in the study and when he saw his father on the sofa he wandered in pretending to need a book. Tywin held the book in one hand and the other trailed gently through sasha hair and along her side as she had drifted to sleep her head in tywins lap. Tyrion had opened his mouth to speak but tywin quietly hushed him before resuming his calming pet along his daughters sleeping frame. Tyrion was amazed, Sasha had done it. Tywin did care about her. 

"Have I ever asked for anything?" Tyrion countered. Cersei huffed a breath. "I'm asking for this. For Sasha."

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