21. Bad Ass Boss Queen

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"Stay away from me." Sansa demanded as she tried to flee.  "I'll tell my father. I'll...I'll tell the Queen."

"Who do you think sent me?" Sandor countered.

Sasha couldnt hear a word anyone was saying, Sansa was being interrogated, Joffrey was shouting and Sasha's head was spinning. Before hse knew it she was the last one in the room and she looked up to see Sandor standing before her. He didnt say a word, just led her back to his chambers and she lay down beside him staring up at the ceiling as he changed out of his armor.

"You alright Sasha?"

"What happened today?" Sasha questioned. "I... I dont remember it, it was all a blur."

"Nothing important, get some rest." Sandor instructed blowing out the candle.


'And I would again my Lord I was unarmed and surrounded by Lannister swords. when you look at me do you see a hero?" Ned took another sip 'what madness led you to tell the queen the truth about Joffrey's birth?'

'The madness of mercy. That she might protect her children.' ned admitted

'the children, it's always the innocent to suffer... It wasn't the wine that killed Robert or the boar though the wine slowed him down and the boar ripped him open but it was your mercy that killed the king. I trust you... but you are a dead man lord Eddard stark.' Varys told him.

'The queen can't kill us,' Ned said confidently. 'we have her brother.' Ned reminded him.

'The wrong brother sadly.' Varys informed him. 'Besides, your wife has let the imp slip through her fingers.'

'If that is true then slit my throat and be done with it.' Ned declared.

'Not today my Lord'

'Tell me some thing Varys who do you truly serve?' Ned questioned.

'The realm my Lord. Someone must.' Varys said walking away and leaving him in darkness.


"It is also the wish of His Grace, that his loyal servant Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch..." Pycelle went on as he spoke before the people and the council in the throne room, Joffrey perched on the throne. "Be at once raised to the rank of Lord." Janos smirked, about damn time. Sasha looked to Sandor he seemed a different person when he was guarding Joffrey, his stone.

"And granted the ancient seat of Harrenhal, and that his sons and grandsons shall hold this honor after him, until the end of time. In the place of the traitor Eddard Stark, it is the wish of his Grace that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, be appointed Hand of the King." Pycelle went on. "Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil, it is the view of the Council that the life and safety of King Joffrey be of paramount importance."

"Ser Barristan Selmy." Cersei cut in. Barristan Selmy approached slowly, a heavy sigh in his chest but he looked at Cersei with honor.

"Your Grace, I am yours to command." He assured.

" Rise, Ser Barristan. You may remove your helm." Cersei instructed. "You have served the Realm long and faithfully. Every man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms owes you thanks. But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword. It is time to rest and look back with pride on your many years of service." Sasha didnt think forcing Selmy to retire was a good idea. She looked to Cersei confused. She was good at being quiet, at trying to disappear into the background but right now she wanted to shout what are you doing? Father would disapprove. Dont you see you is skilled, no one could have saved Robert, if anything we should rewarding Selmy for Roberts death.

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