19. More Wine

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"Lord Stark's lucky he still has a head." Loras remarked.

"Robert will rant for a few days, but he won't do anything. He adores the man." Renly agreed.

" You're jealous." Loras realized.

"Are you sure this won't hurt?" Renly countered instead.

"Only if I slip." Loras teased as Renly took off his shirt.

"And you prefer me like this?" Renly mused.

"Mhmm." Loras agreed.

"If you want hairless, maybe you should find a little boy." Renly offered as he got to shaving.

"I want you." Loras assured.

"My brother thinks that anyone who hasn't been to war isn't a man. He treats me as if I'm a spoiled child. Oh, and you're not? Loras Tyrell, the Knight of the Flowers? How many wars have you fought in? Oh, and how much did your father spend on that armor of yours?" Renly pondered.

" Hold still." Loras countered as there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Sasha." She called out.

"Sasha love come on in!" Loras agreed. She peered in. "Close the door behind you love."

"What are you doing?" Sasha questioned.

"Shaving Renly of course." Loras offered.

"Right because thats normal." Sasha agreed.

"I'm sure Sasha likes her men hairy." Renly offered and she blushed. "I'll be it she does! She likes someone."

"I didnt say that, what are you talking about?" Sasha questioned.

"Brothers." Loras offered.

"You miss your brothers?" Sasha pondered thinking of Willas and Garlan.

"No." LOras chuckled out. "And Renly's brothers." Sasha looked to Renly with a soft smile.

"Fine, fine I will tell you... All I ever hear from Robert and Stannis is how I'm not tough enough, how I squirm at the sight of blood." Renly grumbled.

" You did vomit when that boy's eye was knocked out in the mêlée." Loras agreed.

"His eye was dangling out of the damn socket!" Sasha agreed Renly nodded to her.

"Stop moving." Loras instructed.

"Sasha understands." Renly remarked as she plopped down on the bed.

"He shouldn't have entered the mêlée if he didn't know how to fight." Loras added.

"Easy for you to say. Not everyone is such a gifted swordsman." Renly purred.

"It's not a gift. No one gave it to me. I'm good because I work at it -- every day of my life since I could hold a stick."

"I could work at fighting all day, every day, and still never be as good as you." Renly countered honestly.

"Yes well, I guess we'll never know."

"He's right Loras, you are very skilled." Sasha agreed.

"Thank you cousin, dearest lovely, beautiful Sasha, I'm trying to get her to agree to a union but apparently she is crushing on a hairy man..." Loras offered.


"I don't want to practice today." Arya declared.

"No?" Syrio countered.

"They killed Jory. My father is hurt. I don't care about stupid wooden swords."

"You are troubled." He remarked.

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