22. The Honor

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State of Grace / Ned Stark out now!

"A trial... So he's going to say that Joffrey is the king and... Then what?" Sasha pondered. Sandor ran a hand down her back.

"Your sister is hoping he is silenced and sent to the wall. The stark girl hopes for a complete pardon." sandor offered.

"But what do you think?" Sasha asked meeting his gaze

"I know your nephew very well." he remarked. " I know that he's going to try and make an example out of him, make a statement I don't know that ned stark is going to come out with his head intact." Sandor admitted.

"I want my brother back." Sasha assured. "But apparently Ned confessed that he told his wife to take Tyrion... to take my brother and I don't understand why."

"How do you spoken to him?"

"No." Sasha declared quickly. "Not since I found him bleeding out in the streets. Then I found out what his wife did and what he said it was his orders... I can't look at him the same." sasha whispered. " I thought he was a brave and honorable man he was kind mean Winterfell but why would a man of honor abduct an innocent man? I know my siblings are not innocent in certain things and I know you know what too, so don't try and pretend for my sake."

"I wasn't going to pretend," sandor assured with a smirk.

"But they are still my family and I protect my family. He put my family in danger. I don't know how I can forgive any of them."

"You got a little bit of hate in your heart." Sandor remarked he reached out touching her cheek.

"I didn't think I was capable of hating anyone but I'm so worried about my brother."

"Hes a tough fucker to kill. He will be fine." Sandor offered.

"I sure hope you are right."

Sasha stood behind her sister when Ned Stark was brought out for his trial. The sun was high in the sky the birds were chirping and the people were gathered there was a flurry of rage in the crowd and Sasha was worried about what was to come. She was worried about her family but she also thought Ned stark was kind to her. He was a father. He had many children that adored him and she was worried that Sandor was right and things are going to end very badly very bloody for him.

'I am Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." Ned looked to sansa. Sandor stood like a statue but his eyes drifted to Sasha. Ned let out a sigh as Sansa's eyes pleaded with him. Sansa tried to be brave. She tried but silent tears fell from her cheeks. Joffrey was a good man. She still loved him. But sasha had the sinking feeling that This was the end of Eddard Stark as they knew it.

"I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children. But before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself." the crowd started yelling at him again, some throwing rocks at his head. Sasha cringed reaching for her own head as if feeling the pain.

"Let the high septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I say. Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne by the grace of all the Gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm." The crowd once again started yelling at him. Sansa looked to Joffrey hopefully.

He was lying to try and save his head to keep sansa from losing a father. Sasha suddenly didnt want to be here she wanted to hide but cersei grabbed her hand feeling her weakness her armor cracking.

"As... As we sin...' pycelle continued looking to Joffrey as he waved to the crown. 'So do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of Gods and men. The Gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, Your Grace?" Pycelle turned to Joffrey. Joffrey waved a hand settling the crowd.

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father." He turned to look at Sansa. Sansa smiled just slightly at Joffrey. "But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am Your King treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!"

"NO!" sansa screamed as the crowd erupted into cheers. Sansa lunged forward but Meryn grabbed her, keeping her back. 'No, no, no.' she sobbed trashing in his grip. Ned looked to her again, an apologetic look on his face. It all happened so fast. As the sword was brought above his head, a single motion, swish, it was through his neck. Ned's head lay on the ground. Joffrey smiled down to it. Cersei stood confused as Sansa sobbed for her father, pulling at Meryn's arms. Sasha couldnt breathe so much blood his severed head lay before them eyes still staring out.

"Hound. Do me the honor." Joffrey demanded. Sandor didnt look at sasha to see her horrified face. Instead he did as commanded. Sandor picked up Ned's head for all to see.

Made You Look / Sandor CleganeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz