8. Shivers

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Sasha shivered visibly as she entered the warm banquet hall, the bodies and torches keeping the place warm, it radiated around her. SHe scanned the room looking for Tyrion or Loras but instead she found Sandor in the back.

"Can I hide by you?" Sasha questioned as she sat down beside Sandor. He nodded eagerly. She pulled her hood higher and fanned her hair over half her face as Sandor wrapped a protective, possessive arm around her.

"You stay right here." Sandor agreed his lips brushed against her ear. She pulled a piece of bread to her picking at the insides and Sandor chuckled. ""You are going to get food in your hair." Sandor informed her.

"I'm quite skilled at eating like this." Sasha countered.

"You don't need to hide." Sandor reminded her.

"I'm not even supposed to leave my room." Sasha corrected. "Tyrion snuck me out."

"He's a good brother." Sandor admitted. Him and Tyrion didn't get along but they agreed on one thing, Sasha.

"He is." Sasha agreed as she took a sip of wine, her tongue peeked out catching a drop on her lip.

"You got a blue tongue." Sandor remarked grabbing her chin and a smile appeared on her face as he traced a large calloused finger down her lip.

"Jon." Sasha whispered. Sandor rose a brow not letting her go. "Winter berries." Sasha croaked out. "Jon gave me some winter berries. They are delicious." Sandor nodded slowly.

"Sasha?" Sandor questioned softly as he let her chin go. She stared back at him. "I-"


"Shit." Sasha whispered ducking down. "I have to go."

"No-" sandor countered. She heard Cerseis little heels getting louder and louder as she marched- no no it was more a strut. An awful strut.

"Sasha." Cersei tsked but she tried to keep a smile on her face trying to Foster on the side of peace and airiness to her. "Sasha... Sister dearest... What are you doing?" There was that fake smile but those small narrowed terrifying eyes set on sasha.

"Tyrion did it." Sasha ratted him out quickly knowing Cersei wouldnt push Tyrion around as easily. "I didn't even wanna leave in the first place but he made me he dragged me here. I swear it!" Sasha assured. "But..." She contradicted. "please don't make me go away now that I'm here." she begged. "I can just stay back here with San-"

" as if that's any better? Sitting among this type of people." she scoffed and sasha sighed looking to Sandor. She liked his type of people. "Go to your room look tired."

"Yeah," Sasha agreed softly. She got up slowly she tipped her head to Sandor and moved quickly to her chambers.

When Sasha got back to her chambers she lit one of the candles Ned had left for her and curled up with her book. THen she saw her reflection in one of the mirrors and her face pinched. SHe was perfect like Cersei, she never would be. Everyone looked her way and saw her imperfections and Cersei thought it made them look weak. Sasha jumped up throwing clothes and blankets over the mirrors and anything that would hold her reflection. She looked around at the mess satisfied she wouldnt have to see her reflection and curled back up with her book.

The candle burned to nothing and she lit another and another finishing her book her little wooden lion engraved bookmark laid beside her as she fell asleep. Things would be better in the morning.

Sasha blinked away the sleep the next morning when someone knocked on the door. She pulled her robe on as she yawned out moving to the door as she pulled her robe closed.

"Sandor." Sasha declared a smile quirked his lips. "What are you... Hi."

"Hi." Sandor echoed. "Your sister requested some food brought to you until she could ready you." Sandor remarked. Finally sasha noticed the tray in his hands.

"Come in, thank you." Sasha agreed pulling the door open. "Would you like to stay?" Sandor glanced back at her as he put the tray down. "Silly me you probably have better things to do." Sasha realized but he shook his head.

"No, no, I would like to stay." Sandor assured.

"Great... great..."

"We just got here and you tornado'd your chambers." Sandor chuckled out.

"Yes..." Sasha agreed. "Well..." Sandor peered behind the half fallen blanket seeing the mirror and he understood, he didnt like his reflection either. But Sasha was still beautiful. He covered the mirror knowingly and turned back to Sasha. "Thank you Sandor." Wordlessly he sat down at the table and started picking at the food while she sipped her tea.

"The starks make a good cup of tea." Sasha offered as she added a sugar cube. Sandor reached over touching her knee and she met his gaze. So much on her mind but the deafening sound of HOUND echoed in through the window. Sandors hand dragged from her leg as he rose up.

"See you soon Sasha." Sandor whispered as he headed out.

"Thank you..." Sasha answered as the door sealed shut behind him. "I love you." she added miserably as she slumped back in her chair with a melodramatic groan.

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