3. Behind Your Back

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"Loras, you didnt have to I'm sure Lord Renly will miss you." Sasha remarked. 

"Nonsense, this will be fun." Loras assured. "Right Barnes?" James snorted a laugh. "Fun." Loras agreed. 

"Well thank you." Sasha declared. "But you know father doesnt like you enough to wed me to you." Sasha added and Sandor nearly choked on his ale as he glanced to them. 

"Cousin!" Loras put a hand over his heart. "Can I not just be kind to my favorite cousin? I can and I am up for an adventure." Sasha chuckled nodding. "And I dont trust Barnes he doesnt do so good in the north."

"Thanks." James agreed sarcastically.

"She is an abomination just like uncle Tyrion, why are you allowing them to join us?" Joffrey sneered. 

"Joffrey." Jaime scolded. "They are still family." 

"Mother doesnt like them and yet we are spending a moons ride there and back trapped with them." Joffrey hissed. 

"Cersei-" Jaime begged her to control her son but she just chuckled. "Joffrey they are family. How would you like it if people were saying mean things about you behind your back?" Joffrey stared back at him a moment longer before walking up to Sasha. "Gods." Jaime muttered. Joffrey grabbed Sasha's arm, yanking her to face him. 

"Hello-" Sasha began politely but she resisted the urge to rub her already sore arm. 

"You and uncle Tyrion are an abomination and shouldnt be joining us." Joffrey declared. Sasha didnt know what to say to that, her once vibrant smile fell quickly. Sandor wanted to punch Joffrey, hard but he resisted the urge. He wanted to hug Sasha as she stared down at Joffrey unable to form words. "Uncle Jaime said I should tell you to your face and not behind your back." Joffrey added before walking off. Sasha resisted the urge to look at Jaime as Loras wrapped an arm around her. 

"Ignore him, he's a prick and you are wonderful." Loras assured pressing a kiss to her temple. 

"Jaime, come here." Tyrion requested beckoning him lower once he got in front of Tyrion. Tyrion smiled stiffly before whacking Jaime over the back of the head. "Imbecile." Tyrion declared as Jaime stood up. "Gods, get down here so I can hit you again."

"I didnt tell him to say that to Sasha." Jaime corrected. "I told him-"

"It doesnt matter. Because Joffrey is a cunt and he likes manipulating others and tormenting them. You dont know these things because you and Cersei look the part as perfect but your hearts as twisted." Tyrion declared before marching off. 

Sasha pulled her hood up higher as they set out for another days ride, she could at least ride fast and far, get ahead of the riding party, away from her evil nephew. 

"Sasha," Tyrion said as he approached. She offered him a fraction of a smile. He held out a pouch. She gently took it from him. A real smile covered her face when she looked inside. 

"Blueberries." Sasha whispered. 

When they were younger, Tyrion had gotten drunk and fell asleep on his plate, the blue berries mashed to his face and when he sat up his face was stained, the blue and purple marks resembled Sasha's own blotchy skin but darker then her own. 

Sasha had always loved blueberries so Tywin made sure they always had fresh blueberries for her but after Tyrion found out what they did to the skin for a short while he made it his mission to torment Jaime and Cersei. He mashed up blueberries and traded it out with Cerseis night creams and tonics, she was in a fit of anger and rage the next few days, hiding in her room boiling her face off, she thought she somehow contracted Sasha's skin disease. 

Tyrion cackled away, Cersei had blamed Sasha wanting her punished but Tyrion confessed. Nothing a few blueberries can't do to make a bad day better Tyrion had said and he was right. 

"Thanks Tyrion." Sasha whispered picking a blueberry from the pouch before sealing it and putting it in her saddle bag. 

"Another long day ahead of us." Tyrion remarked. "You are going to need it."

"Ready loras? Race you." Sasha requested. 

"I'm going to beat your cute little ass." Loras agreed. Sandor moved silently to Sasha offering her a hand up knowing full well she didnt need it but she accepted his help all the same. He lifted her up and she smiled back down at him before her self conscious nature got the best of her and she pulled her hood up higher. 

"You dont have to hide from me Sasha." Sandor assured her. "I see you." 

"What a terrifying thought." Sasha countered before clicking her heels and taking off.

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