that's a great idea. - chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Gosh... that was so embarassing... She thought to herself while running.

That girl was so oddly familiar... why do I feel like I've seen her before... Y'know what, whatever. Don't be stupid. You've probably never even seen her before. You probably don't even know who she is. Your mind is just messing with y-


Golf Ball felt herself crash into someone... again.

"OH, WHY DO I KEEP BUMPING INTO PEOPLE TODAY!" She yelled angrily, while gritting her teeth.

"Golf Ball?!"


Upon hearing the voice, Golf Ball lifted her gaze to see that it was none other than her best friend, Tennis Ball.

"Oh... it's just you..." Golf Ball chuckled calmly while getting back onto her feet and dusting herself off.

Tennis Ball let out a chuckle and smiled at the sight of his best friend.

"I'm so glad you're here! But, what took you so long?"

Golf Ball remembered what happened at the bus just a few minutes ago and began to sweat nervously at the thought.

"Oh.. haha.. it's nothing, just traffic!" She said hesitantly while putting on a poker face.

Tennis Ball raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Oh... whatever you say GB!"

GB let out a sigh.

"So anyways TB, why did you call me to come in such a hurry?"

TB's eyes widened excitedly at the question.

"It's because I want to show you something I made! Follow me!"

"Oh, okay then..." Golf Ball followed along, curious as to what TB had possibly made.

Tennis Ball stopped and stood proudly next to his new invention.

"Behold... the Voice Changer Device! ! It's kinda self explanatory but just speak into it and your audio recording will come out in a different pitch! There's also settings at the back to change how high or deep the voice goes! And when the audio is ready, it'll make a beeping sound to let you know!"

Golf Ball took a good look at the machine. It looked a bit simplistic and boring, the colour choice was tacky, and parts were a bit wonky, but she didn't want to upset her best friend.

"It.. It looks great...!" She said while holding a smile, sweat trickling down her face.

"Thanks..." The Tennis Ball replied, flattered by the response.

"Yay! Grassy can't wait to try this invention!" Grassy said, coming out of nowhere.

"Wait, what's the stupid piece of unmowed grass doing here?" GB said with disgust, making Grassy frown.

"Golf Ball! Be nice! He's my test dummy."

"Grassy's a test dummy....?" The young child said with innocent confusion.

"Tester, I mean tester.." TB corrected himself nervously.

GB rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, take it away Grassy."

"Yayyyy!" Grassy exclaimed while clearing his throat.

"Hm, hm...."

Tennis Ball gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes fearfully while Golf Ball stayed idle.

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