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"You really enjoying that papa" Riley giggled watching Kj bring the small piece of strawberry to his mouth, both twins began babbling loudly and Riley smiled walking closer to them.

"Why you ain't eating it mama" Riley poked Kyomi's cheeks as the child finished her yogurt but has yet to touch her strawberries.

It has been a month since the twins began their baby led weaning journey and out of the two Kyomi was extremely picky whereas Kj ate anything that was given to him. Riley walked away from the highchairs and towards her refrigerator, she grabbed another peach flavoured yogurt and handed it to kyomi.

"Since you ain't eating the fruits" she playfully rolled her eyes picking up the spoon and giving Kyomi one spoon at a time.

"It's a really special day today" Riley announced gaining attention from them both, she loved that they were more interactive now.

"It's your half birthday babies" Riley cooed and both children smiled revealing their gummy smiles, she giggled at the sight as it was funny that they had no teeth but their smiles were wide. Kj brought his hands together attempting to clap.

"You're so clever" Riley praised him.

"You're so clever too mama" Riley looked over at Kyomi smiling ear to ear. She stood still watching them continue to eat and occasionally play with the contents on their plates.

"Daddy should be here soon" Riley looked at the digital clock hung on the wall. Kay and Riley made the decision to live separately but the man doesn't live far at all, he lives in the penthouse on the top floor of their building.

So whenever Kay wants to see the twins he simply gets in the elevator a goes a few floors down, it wasn't their plan to live in the same building but that just how things worked out.

In terms of career, the past few months have been amazing he's growing more exposure everyday and is becoming a worldwide sensation. After an incident when he was out with friends kay was left with no choice but to hire security and to ensure the safety of Riley and the twins he hired a part time security for them.

As for Riley the girl is 3 months into her real estate course and has been enjoying the process so far, most of her classes are online but whenever she has face to face classes the girl leaves the twins with Kay. Despite the financial support from Kay the girl does lashes and graphic design on the side for some extra money whenever she may need it.

The parents continued attending therapy and came to the conclusion that a break up was necessary, both of them have respected each-others boundaries and have stopped all the extra and unnecessary flirting. It was now solely co-parenting, Since being single neither have really attempted to explore other connections as they both focusing on their careers and bettering themselves as parents.

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