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Text From Druggie B💊
What time y'all tryna go?

Text from Slim Jim Kay❤️
Let's got at 9

Text from Chlomoney👯‍♀️💕
Who the hell goes ice skating at 9?

Text from Maddison🏴‍☠️

Text from Blublu💙
Riley when you see this we going skating and you gotta find a way to come !!!

Text from Setty🚌🚏
Just us? Or I can bring a +one ?

Riley exited off the iMessage app looking down at her leg her cousin Saniyah had her body wrapped around Riley's leg, "Niyah get up" She laughed whilst instructing her cousin the small child hesitantly got up and Riley picked her up

"Stop crying my baby imma be back very soon I've got some big people stuff to sort out" she wiped her eyes whilst kissing her cheek

Today was bittersweet after spending a week in Nc the girl was ready to back to her second home, this trip was an eye opener for her

"We will miss you Ry" Mira spoke pulling Riley in for a hug the group embraced in the middle of the airport until Riley slowly pulled away

"You take anything you look dopey" Mira mouthed not wanting Saniyah to hear, Riley shook her head no but in actuality she had taken 4 pills just this morning luckily for her the side effects haven't kicked in yet

"Why the doctor call me and say you was administered Medication without his or my consent" Mira asked interrogation style

"Ion know" Riley lied straight through her teeth feeling herself getting light headed

"Riley stop lying to me it's okay if you took some but did you finish the whole pack?" Mira spoke sternly

"You fucking stressing me" Riley moaned feeling her hands getting sweaty feeling under pressure the girls breaths began getting shorter she rummaged through her pockets for her pump once she found it the girl took a slow pull before placing it back in her pocket

"Anyways I'm ready to go" Riley spoke still feeling extremely lightheaded, the woman could barely stand still due to her dizziness

"Riley ion think you gon be able to get on this flight" Mira spoke lowly not wanting to anger the girl, before Riley could even get out her sentence her body dropped to ground

"What's happening" Saniyah questioned crouchung down getting in Riley's face

"Oh my gosh" Mira repeated to herself whilst placing Riley's unconscious body in her arms, the woman was sat on the ground shaking Riley but her body was completely still

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