There were a lot of journalists and sports reporters here today because it is the first game with our new sponsors after the whole fiasco so they all want to document it. So this is the one game Dallas needs to make sure he is being perfect, no slip ups are allowed.

I sat for an half an hour before the arena started to fill up with people. The players had been all called back into their changing rooms whilst the crowd were getting seated then they would be allowed back on the ice for their official warm up.

I stood from my seat and made my way down to the changing rooms to find dad before the game began. I needed him to be photographed with our new sponsor during the game, so he needed to be on best behaviour during the game as well.

I waited outside of the changing rooms but as I was waiting the opponents all made their way out of their changing rooms before my team. I scanned their faces as they walked past and I couldn't deny that they were all very attractive, I guess today's game would hold my interest for once if I got to see their pretty faces.

"Hey there gorgeous" I turned my head to the left to see they opposing captain, Spencer O'Sullivan smirking down at me. He was already tall but the skates he had on added extra height, so much so that I had to tilt my head up.

"Hi" I smiled back, he may be the enemy today but there's no reason a little flirting can't happen.

"You're not wearing any team colours, do I need to try and bring you over to our side?" I laughed at him, he obviously didn't know who I was otherwise he wouldn't even try that line on me.

"Maybe I have decided on my team already" He smirked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Well take this, wear it for me and maybe I can bring you over to the dark side" He took his team cap off his head and handed it to me.

Before I could reply the familiar looming shadow appeared over us and the hat was snatched out of my hands. I didn't even have to look to know who it was and a sigh left my lips. This man honestly can't let me have any fun!

"She's with us O'Sullivan" Dallas growled out and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well she seemed perfectly happy taking my hat, so maybe she isn't as much yours as you thought"

It looked like Dallas was about to knock Spencer's lights out but I was quite enjoying the show. I'm not sure why but having two hockey guys towering over me was giving me butterflies, I have problems!

"You boys need to get on the ice" I snatched the hat from Dallas' hands and held it to my chest. Spencer had a smirk on his face as he ran his eyes over me and Dallas looked like he was about to explode.

I watched as Dallas took a step forward but I placed a hand on his chest and stopped him.

"I'll be wanting that hat back missy" Spencer winked at me and walked away down the corridor towards the rink.

Once he was out of sight Dallas' eyes zoned on me and I rolled my eyes at his glare, I don't get how he hasn't realised yet but those looks don't work on me.

"Do you have no loyalties to your dad's team?"

"I don't care about hockey Tucker, now behave on the ice today. The new sponsors are here and so are a lot of media" I turned on my heels and walked off towards the ice.

I had missed dad and that was the main reason I came down the hall. I didn't get far before my wrist was grabbed and I was spun around to face Dallas.

"If I see you with that hat on, I will knock Spencer out before the game even begins and that won't look good for media now will it Evangeline"

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