Chapter 7.1: Author Notes

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This week we have ... Vidar's character sheet! Why? Well, he's made a lot more appearances in the latest chapters, meaning we should give him a show as well. We also seemingly haven't introduced Vidar in the Author Notes yet, so we'll do that this time.

~Vidar Information~

"In Norse mythology, Víðarr (Old Norse, possibly "wide ruler") sometimes anglicized as Vidar, Vithar, Vidarr, and Vitharr) is a god among the Æsir associated with vengeance. Víðarr is described as the son of Odin and is foretold to avenge his father's death by killing the wolf Fenrir at Ragnarök, a conflict which he is described as surviving. Víðarr is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and is interpreted as depicted with Fenrir on the Gosforth Cross. A number of theories surround the figure, including theories around potential ritual silence and a Proto-Indo-European basis."

Based on this piece of mythology, we wanted to give Vidar the ability to silence others, since that's what he's often associated with. Now, silencing is an odd thing to have as a power, so we made it that it would silence the ability of his opponents upon contact, or technically 'sealing' them temporarily if you want to look at it this way. However, since some of the Student Council's members are quite broad and extensive, we wanted to give Vidar a bit more to show off with. Since Norse gods are associated with the tree of life, Yggdrasil, we gave him nature-based powers as well, able to manipulate nature to an extent. Vidar has made some appearances but we seemed to not really have put something up about him in detail so far.

~Kensei's Infinity Core Update~

There's been a lot happening in the latest chapters making it a bit hard to grasp the changes properly. In terms of abilities, nothing much has changed. In terms of applying his powers, a few things did.

Kitsu's Fox-Fire - Will-O-Wisp Mark (Chapter Four)

Ryuu's 'Magic' - Triquetta Mark (Chapter Four)

Hachiman's Wind - Tornado Mark (Chapter Four, Relearned Chapter Five)

Raj's Thunderbird Lightning - Lightning-Winged Bird Mark(Chapter Five)

Raijin's Lightning - Circle Of Lightning Mark(Chapter Five)

He's able to quickly consecutively string together different powers / abilities and use their various specific techniques as well. In the fight with Izanagi, he used every single ability he had at the moment in a row, pretty much. His most phenomenal combo is stringing together the Fūjin and Senkou. Pulling off these two together is a combination of speed and power, since the Fūjin focuses on strength, releasing an instant burst of pressure and power, then the Senkou with a lightning-fast (literally) strike. 

Not only this, there's also keen and witty use of his abilities. For example, using a fire-circle with fox-fire to spread out flames around the area and then following through with wind to cause it to spread out like an explosion. So, we've seen that he can do combos now. Now we have yet to see if he can combine these moves into something more amazing. If he can already combo his abilities like this, he should surely be able to combine 2 abilities into one move. How he will do this will be left for later. 

Furthermore to wrap this section up, he couldn't absorb and learn Vidar's silencing ability or the strikes from Izanagi's mysterious energy (which he seemed to fear or consider dangerous). 

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