Chapter Five: Growth And Future

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The morning sun rose as usual, with Kensei getting up on his feet and eating something for breakfast as he yawned. There were things left to do for him, but first he had to gather his thoughts as to what was the most important. He got himself a new ally, however, he didn't get all too much stronger yet. His Psion Concentration (Henceforth 'PSC') was still exceptionally low compared to the other members. Kitsu may even be at a higher level, even though she doesn't require a lot of Psions for her abilities to start with.

He did seem to have improved his Psion Focus. He showed great mastery yesterday in his fight, pulling off a few difficult moves right off the bat. He was appeased by the fact he made progress, but still lacked the endurance to fight much longer.

One thing he had to do now was bring the 'Thunderbird' into their base. The question was though, how would they function as a group? He wasn't really the leader type of guy but he had to try. Hachiman passed the leadership over to him, together with Ryuu and Kitsu trusting Kensei completely. Thunderbird only wanted to fight strong people, meaning he would get his wish for as long as he stuck with the group. Another thing to think about was ... A name, supposedly?

The Fallen Heroes were no longer, the Student Council is the enemy, but who are the ones opposing them? A name was trivial for now, though. He had to train and get stronger first. Thunderbird could help him with that, but calling the guy by that title all the time would be ridiculous.

Since he was thinking about names now, he wondered what the Thunderbird's name was. Getting out of the dorms, he looked around the hallway. Orange hair swung by him as Kensei turned around. Short, orange hair. It looked familiar. What he came to see was Thunderbird standing a few feet away from him with the somewhat blank stare on his face. "Yo, follow me. I'll show you our place."Kensei said, as he quietly gave a nod and followed behind him. Going through the fake wall again after entering the janitor's closet, they got into the 'base'. 

Kitsu looked toward the two with a smile, hopping over to the two. "Good morning, big bro!" She said, excited. She looked toward Thunderbird silently, as if the situation felt a bit awkward to her. They were fighting hard just yesterday and now they were allies. Strange feeling indeed.

"What's your name, by the way? It'll be a hassle to call you 'Thunderbird' all the time." Kensei said, as he immediately got a stare with a swift answer following through. "You can call me Raj for now;" He said, as his voice seemed somewhat calm. Perhaps this guy is calm in the morning and gets more aggressive and battle-hungry toward the end of the day?

That's odd no matter how you look at it, almost as if he doesn't know what to choose to be at which times. Kensei quickly showed him the other rooms, as he then started loosening up his shoulder by swinging his arm around in a steady circle.

"Well then, shall we get started?" Kensei asked, as Raj looked at him curiously. 

"With what, exactly?" Raj questioned, crossing his arms and folding up a quirked eyebrow on his face. Kensei smirked, as he held up a classic battle stance. "Training, of course. You'd probably make a great sparring partner for me. No need to use your abilities, but you're free to if you want. I can handle it." He said.

It sounded like a joke or as if he was mocking Raj, but he said those exact words because he could absorb his ability. Then again, he wouldn't want to waste Hachiman's effort. He wondered if he could go back to Hachiman's wind after getting Raj's lightning in. Perhaps it was possible if they hit him with Wind again later? 

"I'm going to ... Hold you to those words."

Hachiman and Ryuu smiled and were both interested in how the two would do against each other. Would Kensei continue his rampant growth?. Ryuu looked with an observing eye because this Raj guy surely was an odd one. Kitsu on the other hand was just excited to see her big bro in action while Hachiman just wanted to see a well fought battle. They were all there with the same interested looks and smiles on their faces. 

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