Chapter Seven: The Art Of Progress

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Even though a lot had happened already, there were still things left to do. One was to train his body again so he could recover his physical strength, and thus also his Psions he lost. Staying in shape means you have the ability to manipulate more Psions and increased endurance along with it. He had no choice but to continue on his own, since he wasn't able to fight in his current physical state.

The next morning, he pulled off the same routine. A set of single-handed push-ups on both sides, then followed by a good amount of normal push-ups, some squats and then a bit of rest. He shouldn't overwork, since he trained most of his body with these exercises. Wiping the sweat off like the day before, he let out a panting sigh.

He had a feeling Julia would be there, opening his door, as she saw her standing outside. "You have permission to enter my room through the gate, don't you? You should've just come in."Kensei said.

Julia smiled as he seemed to welcome her a bit more openly. "I know, I just didn't want to disturb you in your training." She answered, walking into his room. "Take a seat, I'll heal you up a bit. It might not heal most of the wounds you had, but it'll be better at least." Julia explained, while Kensei pretty much already knew.

He took a seat on his bed, as Julia sat on the bed behind him, holding onto him gently. Wrapping her arms around his chest, she started releasing her healing energy while also healing his back, resting her head on his shoulder. His breathing was a bit unsteady since he just finished exercising. Julia felt her heartbeat increase slightly, feeling the warmth of his back.

"Y'know ... I don't think you're that hard to love, if you're open to receiving love."Julia said, as Kensei blinked his eyes quickly. He felt as if his heart just skipped a beat, that was kind of a cute statement to make. The tone in her voice pitched up slightly as well.

"I have my pride and sense of achievement ... It feels as if I can't love or don't deserve love before I finish what I want to do." Kensei stated, as Julia let out a slightly pouting sigh. She had the thought that he had already worked off a lot of his plan, or rather Tendou's plans.

They had already become a lot stronger as a group in the first place, as is. He's thrown his life on the line several times already, spoke face-to-face with the 'source of evil' of Sacred High, fought a few battles and received the will of the Fallen Heroes from Jiro and Hachiman.

Not only that, he even grew tremendously in power, getting rid of his limiter he held before completely. This would naturally strain his body more in order to use all of these abilities together or rather to cycle through them.

The one thing Kensei wondered, was how much he could do with his abilities now that the limiter was gone. "You've already done a lot for this school and hold a great burden on your shoulders. You're too tense, you can loosen up once in a while, y'know. You still have around a week left to take it easy." Julia said once more, implying he had done plenty for now.

It was true though, they got 2 weeks off, meaning it was technically 'vacation'. What most students didn't know, or even outsiders in general, was that the school campus was actually humongous. It's like a small city inhabited by just them. You could go out and do some things for fun around, but that wasn't something for Kensei.

"If I take it easy now I won't survive it after the vacation's over. Slacking off is never good, but I am doing less training than I did before. I need to build it up gradually, of course."Kensei retorted.

Once more, Julia let out a sigh. He was trying to do too much, but that's just the way Kensei is. He probably wanted to get strong enough to protect everyone, even though most of Tendou's members can protect themselves plenty by now. Julia seemed to have finished by now, since the conversation took a bit longer than they thought. They were lost in thoughts, so they had to gather their thoughts up again.

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