"Mr. Kolev." I said doing a little curtsey. He bowed a bit before me and held out his hand.

"Miss Carter." He said. I placed my gloved hand in his and he walked me to the dance floor. Placing a hand on my waist and holding my other hand

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear his breath hitting my neck and sending a chil down my spine.

"Thank you. I like the all black...it makes you look more..."

"Sexy?" He asked cockily.

"Yes you can put it that way." I smiled as we swayed back and forth.

"Why thank you." He smiled flashing his canines.

Taylor's POV:

"Why are you all staring at her?" I asked Courtland's brothers and Nirvana.

"She is dancing with a boy..." Tyler growled possessivley.

"She is not eighteen yet..." Nick said growling as well.

"Oh look how cute they are! They are like night and day. Her with blonde hair and him with black hair." Nirvana gushed.

"What are you all staring at?" Ashton asked coming over, finally breaking away from the royals.

"Your daughter is dancing with a boy." Nirvana said.

"A boy? Is that..." He asked peering at Dimitri.

"Is that Dimitri Kolev? His parents are well respected on the assembly." He said.

"Yes well before you get taken by royals are we going to have that dance you promised?" Nirvana asked Ashton. Aww they were so cute, even though they were way older they were so adorable.

"Yes, M'lady." He smiled leading her away.

"Whipped." Mitchel said covering it by a cough.

"Enough." Ashton called back.

"Well then Taylor, I guess I owe you a dance,beh?" Nick asked. My heart thumped excitedly.

"Owe me a dance? Why?" I asked curiously.

"All the times you had to bare with me and my shenanigans...I think I owe it to you." He smirked winking. I smiled and nodded and he led me onto the dance floor as sparks rocketed through my body.

Courtland's POV:

"I hope you still like your dad enough for a dance." My dad said.I turned and smiled.

"You really posted off a dance with me?Infront of everyone? That's surprising." I said taking his dance.

"I owe it to you. I do love you, Court. I wouldn't care if you were a blood sucking vampire. You are still my little girl."

"Dad I love you. I just get an attitude problem here and there and I get annoyed from those five." I said laughing towards my brothers who watched.

"I know they can be a big pain in the ass but they are so over protective. They don't want anything hurting you. It's like you're their daughter." I laughed and looked pst him and my laugh died. When I saw multiple shadows hanging off of the walls and jumping around. They carried weapons.

"What's wrong?" He asked continuing to dance. If he stopped it would have been suspiscious.

"Multiple black shadows. All carrying weapons...They are above really important royals." I mumured staring off.

"How many?"

"At least twenty." I whispered.

"Alright. When this is over leave. Your the only one who can see them and kill them."

"I have to change I can't do it in a huge ball gown." I said.

"Alright. Be careful."

"What about the pain afterwards."

"Dammit...I will let the lord know. He will know what to do. Just go." He said when the song finished. We bowed and I smiled before walking off.

"Courtland? Where are you going?" My mom asked me.

"Bathroom." I called back. I was stopped in the hall by the lord.

"You will need these." He said. He handed me a box.I laid it on the nearby table and opened it. Inside were hooded robes, black long sleeves, black pants and cloth boots. Also weapons laid underneath. A dagger strap, a gun with silver bullets, bow and arrow and a sword.

"Where did you get these?" I asked.

"From the first who was like you. I know what he was Courtland. Put it on I will tell you after." He ordered. I nodded and ran to the nearest bathroom shoving off my dress and placing everything on my. I placed the dagger on my thigh, sword on my hip, gun on my hip, bow and arrows on my back. I looked in the mirror as I tied the dark blue sash around my waist and I put the black hood up covering my face. The robes had a white entricate design on the edge.

I looked freakin' awesome. I walked back out.

"Everyone is warned I have guards to make sure the royals aren't injured. You just do what you do best." I nodded and walked out. The royals sat with their families with guards around them. They looked terrified. My family sat together, Dimitri's family sat together. Everyone was listening to the Lord's assisstant speak as everyone's eyes landed on me.

"Refrain from screaming. She will handle it. Think of it as a show." He said smiling nodding towards me. I made a swift nod and took the bow and arrow from my back.

"You're going down bitch." I murmured. The first black shadow was farthest away. I flung an arrow hitting him right in the forehead. He stumbled and fell from the wall. People gasped as his true form came and all the shadows came at once showing their true form...

"Bring it."

The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now