Chapter 68: Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams

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It's been several days, after Ash and Incineroar unknowingly traveled back in time due to Celebi's meddling, they met Kukui's younger self and his Litten and managed to receive a Firium Z from the late Totem Trevenant before being sent back to the present. 

With only a few days left before the start of the Pokémon League, Cloud and the guys had arrived at Lillie's mansion to help her and Mallow master their Z-Moves. As everyone was waiting, Lillie had walked in with Snowball.

Lillie: Alola, everyone!

Everyone: Alola!

Lana: We asked them to help cheer us on.Lillie: Please, make yourself at home.

Cloud: So, Lillie. Are ya ready to train?

Kiawe: The Alola Pokémon League is right around the corner!

Cloud: That's right. There's not much time left, so we wanna help ya master yer Z-Move as soon as possible.

Ash: Let's all train together!

Lillie: Let us give it our all! But first... There's a Pokémon I'd like you all to meet.

Upon arriving, Lillie led everyone down to a room that looked like a study of some sort, showing them a mechanical looking Pokemon.

Upon arriving, Lillie led everyone down to a room that looked like a study of some sort, showing them a mechanical looking Pokemon

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Lillie: Let me introduce you. This is Magearna.

Eevee and Pikachu all walked up to Magearna, looking at it curiously.

Lillie: Father got her for me back when I was still a baby.

Cloud: Never seen anything like this before. What's its story?

Lillie: Magearna is a man made Pokémon made over 500 years ago. It's said to synchronize it's conscious with others, allowing it to understand their feelings.

Rotom Dex: Data on Magearna updated!

Sophocles: Is Magearna asleep?

Lillie: The truth is, Magearna has never moved, not since father met her. Father worked hard to try and get her to move, but...

Ash: Hey, Lillie... Can I touch her?

Cloud: Ash, context!

Lillie: Of course!

Ash walked up to Magearna, rubbing her head.

Ash: Magearna, I'm Ash. Nice to meet you.

Following suit, everyone proceeded to rub Magearna's head, introducing themselves to her, but Cloud noticed a journal on the desk.

Cloud: Huh? What's this?

Lillie: Well, you see, I should very much like to be friends with Magearna, so I've been studying father's journal.

Cloud: I see.

Ash: That's awesome, Lillie!

Mallow: I'm rooting for you!

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