Prologue: Junior Cup

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A/N: There are some things I wanna get out of the way before I begin:

1- Cloud's catches are already set in stone, so don't go asking me to give him this certain Pokemon and so on.

2- Everyone in this story will be aged up. Why? Let's be real, no one understands the logic behind why they keep Ash a 10-year old. I get that it's so it appeals more to a younger audience, but from a story-telling perspective, it makes zero sense.

3- I'll be giving certain trainers Pokemon they don't but could have in the anime for the sake of spicing things up.

4-  zer0420 if by some big fat chance you're reading this, you will find several references to your own Pokemon story. But know that I'm doing my best to make this story my own. I hope you understand.

5- This story is set in an alternative timeline. We know Pokemon is known for doing that all the time, so I thought you should all know.



Lacunosa Town, located in the Unova Region, was holding the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup hosted by Unova's Pokemon Champion Alder. As Ash and his friends go to the register to sign themselves up, they find Alder talking to Sinnoh's Pokemon Champion Cynthia.

Alder: You're as beautiful as always, Cynthia. What do you think? Let's ditch the tournament and have a meal together.

Cynthia just smiled at Alder.

Cynthia: Feel free to do so alone, like always.

Alder simply laughed at her response.

Alder: I can't get enough of your coolness!

Dawn: Is that the champion of Unova, Alder?

Iris: Uh, y-yeah...

Cilan: He is, but...

Alder: Then how about having tea at least?

Trip you haven't changed at all, Alder.

They looked to see Trip walking up to Alder.

Cynthia: Oh? Who are you?

Alder: Uhm... Err... Who are you again?

Trip: Trip.

Alder: Oh, right, right, Triston!

Trip: It's Trip.

Ash: Trip, are you going to enter, too?

Trip: Ash? The winner gets to battle Alder. It's basic.

Ash rolled his eyes and looked at Alder.

Ash: It's been a while, Alder.

Alder: Oh, so you're entering as well, Ashton!

Ash: I-It's Ash...

Trip Alder, please wait for me to win the tournament.

Alder: Oh. You wanna fight?

Trip: Yes. And then I'll make sure to win against you, Alder. I'll prove with my prowess that you're a person of the past.

After his declaration, Trip left for the arena.

Ash: What's with him?

Iris: He hasn't changed.

Reckless Challenger (Pokemon Sun & Moon X Male OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ