Special Chapter: The Sky

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A/N: Before anyone says anything. YES! I know I'm using the final episode of Twilight Wings for this chapter. I'm acknowledging what I'm doing, so please don't judge me.

And if you're still planning on judging me, at least don't be a dick about it.



(Galar Region, 7 Years Ago)

At a hospital, Cloud and Eevee were watching a live interview about the Champion of Galar Leon on TV.

Cloud: Look Eevee! This guys the greatest Champion ever!

Eevee: Eievui, vui!

TV: That is what the various Gym Leaders had to say about the Champion, Leon. Now he's our special interview with Chairman Rose.

???: Sorry! Coming in!

Cloud turns to see an orange-haired girl entering the room.

Cloud turns to see an orange-haired girl entering the room

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Cloud: Oh! Hi there, Sis!

Sonia: And it's not just me.

Sonia's Yamper enters the room and jumps onto Cloud's lap.

Sonia's Yamper enters the room and jumps onto Cloud's lap

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Cloud: It's good to see you, too, Yamper.

Yamper: Yampuh!

Sonia: Grookey, Sobble and Scorbunny wanted to come see you as well, but I told them why that wasn't possible.

Sonia then looks at the TV.

Sonia: You're watching something Leon-related again, aren't you?

Cloud: It's really hard not to.

Sonia: Leon really hasn't changed one bit.

Cloud: The Champion... He's not really smiling, is he?

Sonia: Huh? How can you tell?

Cloud: ....

Sonia: Hey, have I told you I was his greatest rival during our Gym Challenge?

Cloud: ...-_-... Whatever you say...

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