Chapter 25: The Mask of Punishment

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Currently outside Kukui's house, Ash and Cloud were training together with Lycanroc and Inteleon.

Ash: Let's go, Lycanroc! Rock Throw!

Lycanroc: Lycanroc!

Lycanroc jumps into the air and fires multiple rocks at Inteleon.

Lycanroc jumps into the air and fires multiple rocks at Inteleon

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Cloud: Inteleon, use Double Team!

Inteleon dodges the rocks by creating multiple shadow clones of itself.

Ash: Destroy the clones with Accelerock!

Using Accelerock, Lycanroc starts dashing towards the clones, destroying them and eventually hitting the real one, making him skid back.

Cloud: Snipe Shot!

Lycanroc withstands Inteleon's water bullets.

Cloud: Not bad. Lycanroc has gotten a lot faster.

Ash: Thanks!

Lycanroc continued growling at Inteleon.

Cloud: You wanna keep going? Then we'll do just that.

Inteleon: Inteleon.

Inteleon just walks away.

Ash: Huh?

Lycanroc: Lycan?

Cloud: Sorry, Inteleon is not much of a team player when it comes to being a sparring partner.

Ash: So will you bring out Weavile again?

Cloud: Actually, I have a better idea. Come on out, Cinderace!

Cloud sends out his Cinderace.

Cinderace: Aceburn!

Cloud: Cinderace will be your training partner for today. Don't let her cuteness fool you, she's really tough.

Ash: Yeah. I know.

Cinderace gives Lycanroc a beckon sign.

Cinderace: Ace!

Ash: Use Tackle!

Cloud then lets out a smirk.

Cloud: Acrobatics!

Cinderace dodges the attack and strikes repeatedly from various directions.

Lycanroc: Can!?

Rotom Dex: It's fast!

Cloud: Can ya keep up?

Ash: In that case, Lycanroc, use Stone Edge!

Lycanroc sends a wave of stone pillars at its opponent.

Cloud: Break through with Reversal!

Cinderace's feet are embedded in flames as she kicks through Stone Edge and eventually hits Lycanroc.

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